Institutional Analytics collaborates and provides data analytics to support IU's effectiveness in achieving its educational and research mission. We work with campuses, schools, departments, and academic and auxilliary units to ensure analytics are pervasive and impactful. Institutional Analytics also partners with the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Association of Public & Land-grant Universities (APLU), Big 10, Unizin, and various professional organizations to ensure relevance and timeliness of the support provided to its stakeholders.
Assessment & Analytics Projects

American Association of Universities Ph.D. Initiative
Institutional Analytics has a partnership with the IU Bloomington Graduate School as they develop and support enhanced opportunities for graduate education and occupational success. Specifically, the AAU PhD initiative seeks to improve graduate education for a wider and more diverse array of career pathways, both within and beyond the academy. Data transparency from admissions, to enrollment to graduation and beyond, allow students to consider a diverse range of employment opportunities while they appropriately align their educational experiences.

APLU Powered by Publics
Institutional Analytics represents IU Bloomington in the Big Ten Academic Alliance Cluster of the Powered by Publics initiative, sponsored by the Association of Public & Land-grant Universities. The Big Ten Academic Alliance Cluster focuses on retention, persistence, and the achievement gap.

Academic Advising
Institutional Analytics works with IU Bloomington academic advisors in University Division as well as various campus schools to design new ways for data to inform their work advising students in course planning, as well as providing support to address retention concerns. For example, Research & Analytics incorporates course grade predictions into the roster review process to help advisors identify students in need of additional outreach/intervention. Read more about this Research & Analytics partnership with advisors in the IU News Room.

Advance College Project
Institutional Analytics partners with Advance College Project, IU's pre-college dual enrollment program serving over 16,000 high school students, to understand how ACP credits impact students who enroll as undergraduate students at IU Bloomington, and how ACP courses support students throughout Indiana and surrounding states.

Title VI National Resource Centers
Institutional Analytics has a long history of collaboration with Indiana University Bloomington’s many language and area studies programs, to support them in their annual applications to establish and/or renew their status as Title VI National Resource Centers (NRCs) under the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE). Title VI NRC status represents not only an important source of federal funding that enables the centers to maintain and strengthen their resources and programming but is also a matter of prestige, because it recognizes awardees as having exceptional expertise and resources not just to teach foreign languages, but also to conduct training and research, and provide consultative and outreach services at the local, regional and national level on particular geographic regions around the world.

Institutional Analytics partners with the UNIZIN consortium to contribute to the development of effective digital ecosystems to facilitate collaboration and analysis of institutional and learning management system data. Most recent work by Research & Analytics has focused on extending the Unizin Data Platform (UDP) to build on the analytics implemented in the project Learning Analytics Reflection and Awareness (LARA) (see Matz et. al. 2017).

UITS Research Technologies
Research & Analytics' application of advanced analytics has resulted in a longstanding collaboration with UITS Research Technologies solutions. Support from the Research & Analytics team has facilitated the implementation of machine learning algorithms on Carbonate, IU’s large memory computing cluster, significantly reducing the run time and prioritizing time-sensitive processes to meet campus needs for advising. The output produced using the machine learning algorithms is presented in a roster review dashboard for advisors (requires IU login). More recently, this partnership is resulting in the deployment of interactive advanced analytics not possible on the Tableau platform. For example, academic departments and administrators on the Bloomington campus can apply Business Process Analytics to course enrollments, exploring impacts of course requirements on students’ progression to degree.

Career Services
Institutional Analytics has a long standing, ongoing partnership with IU’s Career Services offices, whereby we facilitate the extraction and curation of career services engagement and outcomes data from Handshake and 12-twenty. These data are further integrated with student demographic, enrollment, academic objective and degree data, as well as National Student Clearinghouse data, in order to provide a variety of interactive Tableau visualizations related to utilization of services, internship/career-related course enrollments, first destinations/outcomes and enrollment in advanced degrees after graduating from IU.