Indiana University Workforce Outcomes
The Indiana University Workforce Outcomes workbook is a collaborative project with the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) to join bachelor recipient data from IU with employment and salary data from DWD. The resulting dashboards allow the user to see employment headcounts and 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile wages, broken down by a number of interesting dimensions, including in-state residency, service region, area of major, and industry of employment.
The report population is all IU bachelor recipients from academic years 2006 through 2017. These records are matched with DWD employment records during a six quarter window 1, 5 and 10 years after graduation. The dashboard "Outcomes by Campus" indicates that by campus, between 50 and 88 percent of IU records were matched with DWD wage records. From the matches the user is able to see employment outcomes and wage percentiles based on IU campus, major, residency, and county of employment.