Student Success

Student Success

With Indiana University’s 2030 strategic plan centering student success and opportunity as the first in its three pillars, understanding and enhancing student success at IU is more critical than ever. Institutional Analytics and The Office of the Vice President for Student Success have partnered to deliver a comprehensive suite of data visualizations. These resources are steeped in analytics and designed to empower the IU community with actionable insights on student success.

Our goal is to provide a transparent and accessible platform where data-informed decision-making becomes a cornerstone of our commitment to student success. By leveraging these analytics, the IU community can better understand the dynamics of student achievement, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement strategies that lead to improved outcomes for our students.

Click on the student success questions in each module below to launch the visualizations in a new window.

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Peer Comparisons | Equity Gaps | Factors in Student Success | Additional Resources

Exploring Access, Financial Aid, and Student Success Outcomes metrics at IU compared to Peers

These visualizations provide an overview of admissions, enrollment, financial aid, and student success outcomes including retention, 4-year graduation rates, and 6-year graduation rates at IU campuses and their peer institutions.

Is IU meeting its goal to be in the top quartile of their peer group?

How is IU performing on admission metrics as compared to peer institutions?

How does IU compare to peers on enrollment metrics?

How does IU compare to peers on financial aid metrics?

How do IU's outcomes compare to peer institutions?

Understanding Undergraduate Student Equity Gaps

These visualizations provide an overview of equity gaps in retention, 4-year graduation rates, and 6-year graduation rates for selected undergraduate populations including females, first-generation students, Pell recipients, underrepresented students of color, and 21st Century Scholars.

Where do equity gaps exist for selected undergraduate student groups?

What percentage of the first-year undergraduate population is comprised of these student groups, and how has this changed in recent years?

Are outcomes of select undergraduate student groups improving over time?

What are the outcomes of selected undergraduate student groups by campus?

How does the combination of selected student characteristics impact outcomes?

Digging Deeper into Factors in Student Success Outcomes

These visualizations provide analytics on the predictors of retention at critical stages of the undergraduate student lifecycle, including pre-matriculation, the middle of the first semester, the end of the first semester, the middle of the second semester, and the end of the second semester. It also provides greater detail on which students are most impacted by these predictors.

What are the top predictors of retention?

Who does IU retain and not retain?

What are the retention rates of students based on selected student success attributes?

How do student demographics relate to academic performance?

How does the combination of selected student characteristics relate to academic performance?

Additional Resources

Institutional Analytics maintains a number of additional data resources that are useful to student success professionals. We’ve included links to these resources below so you can easily access them.


Do you have feedback, questions, or ideas on how to evolve this work? Please contact