Need help?
For help with completing a course evaluation, please email Include your name, phone number, username, and the course and section number for the course evaluation you are having trouble with.
First, use the Course Questionnaire Data Manager (CQDM) tool online to check/verify that your class was selected for evaluation and note the specific evaluation start date and evaluation end date for the particular class you are taking.
If you need assistance, send a help request to with your full name, the complete course ID and section number (e.g., BIOL K-101 1234), a brief description of the problem, and your preferred contact information.
Useful Link
Contact UITS Support Center via email at or via campus phone at 317-274-4357 (317-274-HELP) to verify that your IU-supplied email account is correct and active.
Useful Links
Please find documentation on IU’s knowledge base:
The campus continually seeks to hear student voices that will inform what happens in our classrooms. Course evaluations are one way for you to drive your own learning experience at IU-Indianapolis:
Formative feedback is used to help instructors improve their teaching, assist departments in structuring classes, and summative feedback may be taken into consideration when deciding on awards, promotions, and tenure. The feedback you provide should be candid, constructive, and as detailed as possible. Answer the questions to the best of your ability, and in a way that best characterizes your personal experience.
Yes. Feedback about your learning experience in your classes is vital to your instructors, departments, and the college. Faculty and departments use responses from course questionnaires to make changes in course content, teaching approaches, and other decisions that support student learning. Departments and colleges may include information from course questionnaires in other decisions, such as teaching assignments, personnel, and facilities.
Reminders are sent to students with any incomplete evaluations. Login to Blue and use the Blue dashboard to confirm you have submitted all your completed course evaluations. For example, you may have begun and saved an evaluation without finishing it. To avoid email reminders - complete your course evaluations.
Course evaluations/questionnaires at IU-Indianapolis will differ by schools or department. In general, both quantitative (closed-ended) and qualitative (open-ended) questions are included on a course questionnaire.
First, contact your instructor to make sure an Online Course Questionnaire is scheduled for the course (or access the public link for CQDM).
Note: There are some courses that are exempt from doing end-of-semester questionnaires (example: independent study courses). If the course was accidently omitted, your instructor can contact the Blue admin team.
If your instructor says the course is scheduled for evaluation, make sure that you are officially enrolled in the course. Only active students who are officially enrolled in the course may complete an online course evaluation.
Once you verify that you are officially enrolled and you do not have access to your OCQ, contact the Blue Admin or Survey Administrator. Please include the course and section number in which you are enrolled and we can restore your access.
Useful Link
There are several ways to access your course evaluations online (via Blue).
Useful Link: (Blue) OCQ Dashboard
Sometimes your web browser’s cache will hold another user’s CAS login credentials, which causes the evaluation system to show various error messages. If you see an error message, first clear your cache by logging out of CAS.
Then try logging back into your Blue (OCQ) Dashboard. You should be asked to provide your CAS login credentials.
If this does not solve your issue, please contact the Survey Administrator / IRDS Blue Admin Team with a description of what happens when you try logging in (screenshots are helpful!).
Useful Links
Instructors will know how many students responded but will not know who responded. We assure you that your responses are confidential. Your instructor will not be able to associate responses by a particular student. Instead, all results are presented in aggregate; and no personally identifiable information is published unless you voluntarily offer personal or private information in any of the comment fields.
The instructor(s) who taught the course, the department chair, and the dean of the school look at feedback on course evaluations. They will be able to read your comments, but not your name or other identifying information. In fact, your instructor will never know whether you filled out your course evaluation. All information is encrypted.
The log-in process allows us to keep evaluations valid and fair for instructors. When you log in to complete a evaluation for a course that you enrolled in, the course evaluation software can make sure you enrolled in the course and that you submit the evaluation only once.
Only the course evaluation software knows that you filled out the evaluation. It automatically encrypts your information and hides it from other users. Your instructor will never know whether you filled out an evaluation, or what your specific responses were.
In fact, the online course evaluation system is better at maintaining your confidentiality, because your instructor cannot see your handwriting.
Each school chooses the evaluation start date and end date and the dates can vary across schools. School administrators typical choose to have the evaluation end before final exams begin (in order not to inundate students as they study for final exams).
Course evaluations are available only for a period of about 2–7 days for non-standard length courses and about two weeks for standard length courses. Once the evalutaion period is closed, you cannot complete evaluations.
You also may be having issues for these reasons:
Your school administrators have chosen to allow an opportunity for you to provide feedback; hence, opting out may not be an option. Please disregard the reminder emails or contact your school’s course evaluation coordinator for an appropriate response.
Yes, you should be able to complete the evaluation just like the enrolled and registered students.
For help with completing a course evaluation, please email Include your name, phone number, username, and the course and section number for the course evaluation you are having trouble with.