The role faculty play in overall response rates to course questionnaires is an important one. Consider the following options to help ensure higher response rates in your courses.
Prior to the Evaluation Period
- Announce during class time the dates when questionnaires will be open for your course. Asking students about their method of completion can increase response rates.
- Assure students that the process is completely anonymous. Let them know that, as faculty, you will not be able to see questionnaire results until after grades are posted and that no identifying information will be included with their responses.
- Explain how valuable to your course questionnaires are. Illustrate this by sharing an example of past student feedback you have used in the design of future courses.
During the Evaluation Period
- Let students know they can access their course questionnaire via the generic link: Course Questionnaires.
- Use class time to have students complete the course questionnaire. Ask students to bring in a mobile device and set aside the first 10 to 15 minutes of class as time for them to complete the questionnaire.
- Run through the respective questions with your students during class and explain the questions’ context as it relates to your class.
- Mention that the course questionnaire invitation and reminder emails will come from Remind them that links to their course questionnaires are available through Canvas.
- Monitor the response rates for your class, checking the overall percentage of students who have completed the course questionnaire. Then mention the response rates at the beginning of each class to encourage your students to complete the course questionnaire.