Frequently Asked Questions

First, use the Course Questionnaire Data Manager (CQDM) tool online to check/verify that your class was selected for evaluation and note the specific evaluation start date and evaluation end date for the particular class you are taking.

If you need assistance, send a help request to with your full name, the complete course ID and section number (e.g., BIOL K-101 1234), a brief description of the problem, and your preferred contact information.

Useful Link

Course Questionnaire Data Manager (CQDM)

Contact UITS Support Center via email at or via campus phone at 317-274-4357 (317-274-HELP) to verify that your IU-supplied email account is correct and active.

Useful Links

Please find documentation on IU’s knowledge base:

The content of the evaluation is determined by faculty in your department or school. We will use and administer the specific questions your school or academic unit provides.

You can add questions to your course evaluation only if your department or school approve this option.

During the question customization period, you will receive an email inviting you to add your own questions, if desired, to the course questionnaire form that has already been developed and approved by your school or academic unit.

See the instructional video

Course evaluations are completed online to make students' feedback available to the faculty sooner and to help reduce costs involved in processing the evaluations.

No. There are some exceptions; for example, courses with extremely low student enrollment (less than four students) may not be evaluated individually.

Courses that are classified as independent study, research, internship, master's thesis, dissertation, and recital do not have evaluations.

There is no cost to create a course evaluation.

Faculty and instructors can access their individual courses evaluations at

Instructors typically receive the evaluation report 1 to 2 weeks (normal business hours) after the semester has ended. Instructors from the Law, Medical and Dental schools may be on a different schedule. If reports are needed sooner for an urgent need, please contact your school’s course evaluation coordinator.

Please note that not all schools use or have used the Blue Course Evaluation system.

You will not find reports prior to 2015 in the Blue Course Evaluation system and some schools began using Blue even later. Each school stores and manages their own course evaluations.

Please contact your school’s course evaluation coordinator for assistance. Send an email to to obtain that contact information, if needed.

Need help?

For help with administering a course evaluation, please email Include your name, phone number, username, and the course and section number for the course evaluationyou are having trouble with.

Click here to access your academic unit's list of courses.