Determining Enrollment in Oracle/PeopleSoft
Determining enrollment (term, summer session or course/class) in the Oracle/PeopleSoft system requires the combination of several fields and multiple tables. Because of this difficulty, several derived enrollment fields were created. There are derived enrollment indicators that indicate the enrollment status (enrolled, dropped, auditor, etc.) of the student for the term or summer session and an indicator that specifies the derived enrollment status of the student in a particular class. These fields were developed because one cannot rely solely on the Oracle/PeopleSoft student withdraw code in the case of the term table, or on the class enrollment status field in the case of the enrollment table to determine enrollment.
The exact logic behind these fields is listed in the tables below.
Derived Enrollment Status Field (Term or Summer Session level) |
Technical Name: | STU_DRV_ENRL_STAT_IND (Term) |
| STU_DRVD_ENRL_STAT_RPT_IND (Term – historical reporting) |
| ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_1_IND (Class Derived Session: Summer Session 1) |
| ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_2_IND (Class Derived Session: Summer Session 2) |
Tables: | SR_STU_TERM_DRVD_COL_MT[1] |
| SR_STU_TERM_GT and related views (SR_STU_TERM_*_GT) |
| [1] This table includes students enrolled more than 730 days in the past, i.e. “active” students who are in SR_STU_TERM_ST/GT or SR_HIST_TERM_ST/GT. Note that non-IU contract students (see footnote 2) are designated in this table by a C in the column STU_DRVD_ENRL_TYP_CD. |
The general purpose of the Derived Enrollment Status Indicator is to indicate the term or summer session status of a student at any given point in time throughout the semester, in order to know whether the student is enrolled, waitlisted, auditing only, or dropped. The logic behind this field looks at each student’s rows on the enrollment table, prioritizes the derived class enrollment status for each class, and then assigns a derived enrollment status for a particular academic term or summer session. However, this field has 12 possible values, representing more than just the 4 possible meanings mentioned above; it may indicate something else entirely (deceased, for example), or something in addition to the basic meanings described above (for example, non-IU contract[2] students with a primary program of SWT or CLN).
Below is a list of the possible derived enrollment status indicator values, their meanings, and other information like the priority sequence used in assigning when students have classes in two or more categories.
Term or Summer Session Derived Enrollment Status |
Assignment Priority | Field Value | Value Description | Logic |
| IU Students | Contract Students | | |
1 | X | X | The student is deceased. | The logic differs between the standard field and the report field: a) STU_DRVD_ENRL_STAT_IND: Deceased as of today (report generation date) b) STU_DRVD_ENRL_STAT_RPT_IND: Deceased as of the end of the acad. term c) ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_1_IND and ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_2_IND: Deceased as of the end of the acad. term |
2 | P | P | This student is pre-enrolled in classes for their first term, prior to personally committing to these enrollments (at new student orientation). Fall 2016 is the first term for this status at Bloomington, and Fall 2022 for Indianapolis. After the student commits to these classes, the status will become an E, or the classes may be dropped. | For Bloomington, the student has a student group code of PENR or IPEN, and a service indicator of V28, and is enrolled for classes. For Indianapolis, the student has a student group code of PENR or IPEN, an enrollment record with a source that is not Self-Service or Waitlist Engine. (but excluding students that have at least one enrollment record that is Self-Service or Waitlist Engine). |
3 | E | EZ | The student is enrolled in at least one class that prints on the transcript and is not being audited. If a student is enrolled in an overseas study class with a grade of NY, the derived status on the student term table is set to E, while the derived class enrollment status on the enrollment table is set to T. | At least one class in the SR enrollment derived column table has a class derived enrollment status of Enrolled (E) or Overseas Study with Grade of NY on the Transcript (T). Excludes deceased students. |
4 | A | AZ | The student is not enrolled in a class that that meets the E or N definitions above, but is auditing at least one class. | At least one class in the SR enrollment derived column table has a class derived enrollment status = Audit (A). Excludes students with a class derived enrollment status for the campus, career and term of Enrolled (E) or or Overseas Study with Grade of NY on the Transcript (T), as well as deceased students. |
5 | W | WZ | The student is on the waitlist for at least one class. Excludes students who are either auditing a class or otherwise enrolled in a class. | At least one class in the SR enrollment derived column table has a class derived enrollment status = Waitlist (W). Excludes students with a class derived enrollment status for the campus, career and term of Enrolled (E), Audit (A) or or Overseas Study with Grade of NY on the Transcript (T), as well as deceased students. |
6 | D | DZ | The student was registered at some point, but subsequently dropped all classes. | At least one class in the SR enrollment derived column table has a class derived enrollment status = Dropped (D). Excludes students with a class derived enrollment status for the campus, career and term of Enrolled (E), Audit (A), Waitlist (W) or Overseas Study with Grade of NY on the Transcript (T), as well as deceased students. |
7 | N | NZ | The student is only enrolled in a class that does not print on the transcript, such as a non-graded component class (e.g. a lab section). | At least one class in the SR enrollment derived column table has a class derived enrollment status = Not on the Transcript (N). Excludes students with a class derived enrollment status for the campus, career and term of Enrolled (E), Audit (A), Waitlist (W) or Overseas Study with Grade of NY on the Transcript (T), Dropped (D), as well as deceased students. |
This field is similar to the Derived Enrollment Status Indicator, except that this field indicates the student’s enrollment status in a particular class, and not for the term. This field will appear in each enrollment row. The Oracle/PeopleSoft enrollment status code (stu_enrl_stat_cd) does not accurately reflect the student’s enrollment status at every given point in time throughout the semester 100% of the time. Instead, one must often look at a combination of fields to determine the student’s “current” enrollment status. For example, if a student is enrolled in a class during the first week of class, and then drops the class after the first week of class, their delivered enrollment status code (stu_enrl_stat_cd) remains E (enrolled), and they receive a code of WDR (withdrawn) in the Grading Basis Code (stu_grd_basis_cd) field. Thus, the value of E in the delivered enrollment status code can be misleading by itself, and requires one to know the value of the Grading Basis Code in order to know the student’s true “current” enrollment status.
The Derived Class Enrollment Status shows whether the student is enrolled in a class that prints on the transcript, is enrolled in an overseas study class that serves as a placeholder (grade of NY), enrolled in a class that does not print on the transcript, auditing the class, on the waitlist for the class, or has dropped the class. Additionally, like the (term/session) Derived Enrollment Status Indicator, the values indicate whether the student is deceased, or the student’s primary program is SWT or CLN (non-IU contract student).
Below is a list of the possible derived class enrollment status indicator values, their meanings, and other information like the priority sequence used in assigning when a student course/class status meets the guidelines for two or more derived statuses.
Derived Class Enrollment Status |
Assignment Priority | Field Value | Value Description | Logic |
| IU Students | Contract Students | | |
1 | X | X | The student is deceased. | The logic differs between the standard field and the report field: a) STU_DRVD_ENRL_STAT_IND: Deceased as of today (report generation date) b) STU_DRVD_ENRL_STAT_RPT_IND: Deceased as of the end of the acad. term |
2 | P | P | This student is pre-enrolled in classes for their first term, prior to personally committing to these enrollments (at new student orientation). Fall 2016 is the first term for this status at Bloomington, and Fall 2022 for Indianapolis. After the student commits to these classes, the status will become an E, or the classes may be dropped. | For Bloomington, the student has a student group code of PENR or IPEN, and a service indicator of V28, and is enrolled for classes. For Indianapolis, the student has a student group code of PENR or IPEN, an enrollment record with a source that is not Self-Service or Waitlist Engine. (but excluding students that have at least one enrollment record that is Self-Service or Waitlist Engine). |
3 | D | DZ | The student was registered at some point, but subsequently dropped the class. | One of these 5 cases: a) Student enrollment status = Dropped (D) b) OR the withdrawal code on the student career-term table = Withdrawn (WDR), and grade is W, WX, ZZ or missing/blank c) OR student enrollment status = Enrolled (E), grading basis = Withdrawn (WDR), and grade is W, WX, ZZ or missing/blank d) OR student enrollment status = Enrolled (E) and grade is W or WX e) OR student enrollment status = Enrolled (E), an enrollment drop date exists (not null), and grade is W, WX, ZZ or missing/blank |
4 | T | TZ | The student is enrolled in an overseas study class that prints on the transcript (hence a derived status of T), and that has a grade of NY. The grade of NY means that another class will be entered with the final grade, so this placeholder class is used by UIRR only to indicate overall enrollment. However, this row is not used for reporting credit hours. | All of the following are true: a) Student enrollment status = Enrolled (E) b) AND grading basis is Overseas Study (OVS) c) AND the print-on-transcript flag = Y in the PeopleSoft grading basis table d) AND the official grade = NY |
5 | E | EZ | The student is enrolled in a class that prints on the transcript, excluding these cases: 1) classes taken for audit, 2) overseas study classes with a grade of NY (see the derived status of T above). Also includes No-Grade classes (grading basis of NOG) and SWT and CLN contract classes (grading basis of ZZ), neither of which prints on the transcript. | Student enrollment status = Enrolled (E) and one of the following: 1) the print-on-transcript flag = Y in the PeopleSoft grading basis table, EXCLUDING these cases: a) grading basis is Overseas Study (OVS) and the official grade = NY b) grading basis is Audit (AUD) 2) OR grading basis is No-grade (NOG) or No-display (ZZ) |
6 | A | AZ | The student is auditing the class. | Student enrollment status = Enrolled (E) and grading basis = Audit (AUD) |
7 | W | WZ | The student is on the waitlist for the class. | Student enrollment status = Waitlist (W) |
8 | N | NZ | The student is enrolled in a class that does not print on the transcript, such as a non-graded component class (e.g. a lab section). | Both of the following are true: a) Student enrollment status = Enrolled (E) b) AND the print-on-transcript flag = N in the PeopleSoft grading basis table |
[1] This table includes students enrolled more than 730 days in the past, i.e. “active” students who are in SR_STU_TERM_ST/GT or SR_HIST_TERM_ST/GT. Note that non-IU contract students (see footnote 2) are designated in this table by a C in the column STU_DRVD_ENRL_TYP_CD.
[2] Non-IU contract students are those whose primary academic program begins with SWT or CLN. This also includes students who had a primary program beginning with INEX in an academic term prior to fall 2010 (4108). Historically, IU only reported these students’ enrollment to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) as Educational (Contract) Services Rendered.
[3] This table includes students enrolled more than 730 days in the past, i.e. “active” students who are not included in SR_ENRL_ST or SR_ENRL_*_GT. Note that non-IU contract students (see footnote 2) are designated in this table by a C in the column STU_DRVD_CLS_ENRL_TYP_CD.