For background on Online Definitions at IU, please refer to the document at the bottom of this page called ‘Read more about definitions’ https://teachingonline.iu.edu/about/index.html
For background on Online Definitions at IU, please refer to the document at the bottom of this page called ‘Read more about definitions’ https://teachingonline.iu.edu/about/index.html
Some new columns are available (on 8/22/2020) in SR_STU_TERM_ST/GT and the daily snapshot (SR_DAILY_TRM_DTL_SNPSHT_ST/V/IR_DAILY_TRM_DTL_SNPSHT_GT) to make reporting on online status a bit easier.
The new columns represent counts and indicators by student/institution (or reporting institution)/term. The reporting institution set of columns combines Indianapolis/Columbus/Fort Wayne into one set of counts and indicators. It is important to note that these columns aggregate class counts for students who are in multiple careers at an institution into a single count, and repeat these aggregated counts on all career rows for the student.
The new columns are class counts by instruction modes rolled up at the institution (or reporting institution) level. There are also some indicator codes that aggregate class counts into an indicator, such as, is the student enrolled in All, Some, or No online courses? Or, is the student enrolled in any courses that have an on-campus presence requirement?
You must use the ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND if you want unduplicated counts at the institution or report institution level. If you want unduplicated counts for a campus, without regard to the student's level, only include rows where the ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND=Y. That will retrieve the record with the highest designated primacy, and it will contain the student’s total institution class counts and status, not just for that career (if the student is taking classes from more than one career).
If, however, you want a count of undergraduate students (not undergraduate level courses) and their class counts or status, you can limit to undergraduate level students using one of the derived level columns. Understand that their class counts will be across their entire institution, even if they took a non-undergraduate course.
SR_STU_TERM_ST and SR_DAILY_TRM_DTL_SNPSHT_ST and SR_DAILY_TRM_DTL_SNPSHT_V will have the following new columns:
STU_INST_CLS_CNT | Total Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_P_CLS_CNT | Total P (In Person) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=P classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_HY_CLS_CNT | Total HY (Hybrid On Cmp/Onln) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=HY classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_OI_CLS_CNT | Total OI (Online 76-99%) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=OI classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_OA_CLS_CNT | Total OA (Online 100%) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=OA classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_HD_CLS_CNT | Total HD (Hybrid Dist) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=HD classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_DO_CLS_CNT | Total DO (Dist Live Video)Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=DO classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_IN_CLS_CNT | Total IN (Internship) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=IN classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_IS_CLS_CNT | Total IS (Ind Study) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=IS classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_ON_CMP_PRSNC_CLS_CNT | Total On-Campus Presence (P,HY,OI) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=P,HY,OI classes for a student in the term at the institution, indicating there is some on-campus presence required. |
STU_INST_ONLN_CLS_CNT | Total Online (OA,OI,HD,DO) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=OA,OI,HD,DO classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_INST_ONLN_ASYNCH_CLS_CNT | Total Asynchronous Online (OA,OI) Class Count for Stu/Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=OA,OI classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
DIST_ED_TERM_STAT_DESC | Online Status for Stu/Inst/Term | All' if the student is taking all online courses (OA/OI/HD/DO), 'Part' if the student is taking some but not all online courses, or 'None' if the student is not taking any online courses at the institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_CLS_CNT | Total Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_P_CLS_CNT | Total P (In Person) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=P classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_HY_CLS_CNT | Total HY (Hybrid) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=HY classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_OI_CLS_CNT | Total OI (Online 76-99%) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=OI classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_OA_CLS_CNT | Total OA (Online 100%) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=OA classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_HD_CLS_CNT | Total HD (Hybrid Dist) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=HD classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_DO_CLS_CNT | Total DO ()Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=DO classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_IN_CLS_CNT | Total IN (Internship) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=IN classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_IS_CLS_CNT | Total IS (Ind Study) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=IS classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_ON_CMP_PRSNC_CNT | Total On-Campus Presence (P,HY,OI) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=(P,HY,OI) classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_ONLN_CLS_CNT | Total Online (OA,OI,HD,DO) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=(OA,OI,HD,DO) classes for a student in the term at the institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_ONLN_ASYNCH_CNT | Total Asynchronous Online (OA,OI) Class Count for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Contains the count of all enrolled instruction mode=(OA,OI) classes for a student in the term at the reporting institution. |
DIST_ED_TERM_STAT_RPT_DESC | Online Status for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | All' if the student is taking all online courses (OA/OI/HD/DO), 'Part' if the student is taking some but not all online courses, or 'None' if the student is not taking any online courses at the reporting institution. |
SR_STU_TERM_GT ,IR_DAILY_TRM_SNPSHT_GT and IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT contain the following new columns:
STU_INST_ON_CMP_PRSNC_IND | On-Campus Presence (P,HY,OI) Ind for Stu/Inst/Term | Y if the student has at least one course with some on-campus presence (P,HY,OI) at the institution. |
STU_INST_ONLN_IND | Online (OA,OI,HD,DO) Ind for Stu/Inst/Term | Y if the student has at least one course that is online (OA,OI,HD,DO) at the institution. |
STU_INST_ONLN_ASYNCH_IND | Asynchronous Online (OA,OI) Ind for Stu/Inst/Term | Y if the student has at least one course that is asynchronous online (OA,OI) at the institution. |
DIST_ED_TERM_STAT_INST_DESC | Online Status for Stu/Inst/Term | All' if the student is taking all online courses (OA/OI/HD/DO), 'Part' if the student is taking some but not all online courses, or 'None' if the student is not taking any online courses at the institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_ON_CMP_PRSNC_IND | On-Campus Presence (P,HY,OI) Ind for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Y if the student has at least one course with some on-campus presence (P,HY,OI) at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_ONLN_IND | Online (OA,OI,HD.DO) Ind for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Y if the student has at least one course that is online (OA,OI,HD,DO) at the reporting institution. |
STU_RPT_INST_ONLN_ASYNCH_IND | Asynchronous Online (OA,OI) Ind for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | Y if the student has at least one course that is asynchronous online (OA,OI) at the reporting institution. |
DIST_ED_TERM_STAT_RPTINST_DESC | Online Status for Stu/Rpt Inst/Term | All' if the student is taking all online courses (OA/OI/HD/DO), 'Part' if the student is taking some but not all online courses, or 'None' if the student is not taking any online courses at the reporting institution. |