Table of Contents
Tables and Logic for Dual Credit and ACP fields. 2
Column Names and Definitions. 3
o CLS_DCR_IND – Class Dual Credit Indicator. 3
- CLS_DCR_UNT_NBR – Class Dual Credit Unit Number. 4
- CLS_DCR_OCMP_IND – Class Dual Credit Off-Campus Indicator. 4
- CLS_DCR_OCMP_EXCLV_IND – Class Dual Credit Off-Campus Exclusive Indicator. 4
- CLS_DCR_OCMP_UNT_NBR – Class Dual Credit Off-Campus Unit Number. 5
- CLS_ACP_IND – Advance College Project Class Indicator. 5
Appendix: History of UIRR Dual Credit and ACP Reporting. 7
Dual Credit generally refers to a course in which high school students have the opportunity to earn both high school and college credits in the same course. UIRR[1] only identifies dual credit students whose credits qualify for a state appropriation as a “Priority Dual Credit” course[2]. The IU Advance College Program (ACP) is one of several dual-credit programs that historically has been offered through IU.
Historically, UIRR has identified high school students taking a “Priority Dual Credit” or ACP course for official reporting to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (Indiana CHE). Since fall 2017, UIRR has also excluded these students from official reports of enrolled student headcounts, including Federal IPEDS Surveys.
UIRR Reporting Fields
The field CLS_DCR_RPT_IND is used by UIRR to identify “Priority Dual Credit” students who are to be excluded from most official enrollment reports. In other words, to match UIRR reports that exclude dual credit students in fall 2017 and future terms, select rows where CLS_DCR_RPT_IND = N to exclude these students. (If CLS_DCR_RPT_IND is not in a table, select rows where CLS_DCR_IND = N to exclude Priority Dual Credit students or classes.)
These fields and related fields are on the UIRR census snapshot table IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT and many other tables. See the next section below for the detailed logic that was used to set these fields for various academic terms. See the Appendix below for the history behind various changes in logic.
Tables and Logic for Dual Credit and ACP fields
Tables | |
IR_FA_ENRL_DEGR_AWD_SUM_GT (source for IR FA financial aid Tableau reports) |
· CLS_DCR_RPT_IND – Class Dual Credit Reporting Indicator
- This appears on Student Term, Census Term, and IR Financial Aid tables.
- This is the preferred field to use if it exists in a table (otherwise use CLS_DCR_IND).
- For tables other than IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT, this is set to Y for students who meet these criteria:
- Has a derived expanded level name (ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM) of High School or Undergrad Special for the term and campus2, AND
- For fall 2022 and future terms, is enrolled in a class with a class session code of ACP.
- For terms prior to fall 2022, was charged course fees for at least one class using one of the item types listed on the last page below.
- Here is the logic for IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT:
- For spring 2018 and later terms, this is identical to SR Student Term.
- For terms between fall 2012 and fall 2017 (inclusive), the following logic was used. (See above for the pre-spring 2018 logic for STU_ACP_STDNT_IND.)
- Has a derived expanded level name (ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM) of High School or Undergrad Special for the term and campus2, AND
- For terms prior to fall 2012, the following logic was used
o CLS_DCR_IND – Class Dual Credit Indicator
- This appears on SR Enrollment and Census Course Snapshot tables. It may also appear on tables like Student Term and Census Term, where it is set to Y if the student was enrolled in any class with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
- For tables other than IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT, this is set to Y for students who meet these criteria:
- Has a derived expanded level name (ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM) of High School or Undergrad Special for the term and campus2, AND
- One of the following:
- For fall 2022 and future terms, is enrolled in a class with a class session code of ACP.
- For terms prior to fall 2022, was charged course fees for at least one class using one of the item types listed on the last page below.
- Here is the logic for IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT:
- For spring 2018 and later terms, this is identical to SR Student Term.
- For terms prior to spring 2018, this is set to Y for students enrolled in at least one class with a dual credit course attribute. This includes classes with ACP course attributes (see above), as well as classes with a course attribute of RPCD and a course attribute value code that includes the two-character campus code (e.g. BL) followed by the letters ‘BC’ at Southeast or ‘DCP’ or ‘DCC’ at Northwest.
o CLS_DCR_EXCLV_IND – Class Dual Credit Exclusive Indicator (only enrolled in dual credit classes)
- This appears on Student Term, Census Term, and IR Financial Aid tables.
- This is set to Y for the subset of students with CLS_DCR_IND = Y who were exclusively enrolled in classes with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
· CLS_DCR_UNT_NBR – Class Dual Credit Unit Number
- This appears on Student Term, Census Term, and IR Financial Aid tables.
- This is the sum of academic units of all classes taken by the student with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
· CLS_DCR_OCMP_IND – Class Dual Credit Off-Campus Indicator
- This appears on SR Enrollment and Census Course Snapshot tables. It may also appear on tables like Student Term and Census Term, where it is set to Y if the student was enrolled in any class with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
- For terms prior to spring 2018, this is set to Y for the subset of students with CLS_DCR_IND = Y that excluded . . .
- Northwest students with a course attribute value code of ‘NWDCC’
- and Southeast students with a course attribute value code of ‘SEBC’.
- For spring 2018 and later terms, this is set to Y for a subset of students with CLS_DCR_IND = Y and a class location code other than one of the IU campuses.
· CLS_DCR_OCMP_EXCLV_IND – Class Dual Credit Off-Campus Exclusive Indicator
- This appears on SR Enrollment and Census Course Snapshot tables. It may also appear on tables like Student Term and Census Term, where it is set to Y if the student was enrolled in any class with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
- This is set to Y for the subset of students with CLS_DCR_OCMP_IND = Y who were only enrolled in classes with CLS_DCR_OCMP_IND = Y.
· CLS_DCR_OCMP_UNT_NBR – Class Dual Credit Off-Campus Unit Number
- This appears on SR Enrollment and Census Course Snapshot tables. It may also appear on tables like Student Term and Census Term, where it is set to Y if the student was enrolled in any class with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
- This is the sum of academic units of all classes taken by the student with CLS_DCR_OCMP_IND = Y.
· CLS_ACP_IND – Advance College Project Class Indicator
- This appears on SR Enrollment and Census Course Snapshot tables. It may also appear on tables like Student Term and Census Term, where it is set to Y if the student was enrolled in any class with CLS_DCR_IND = Y.
- In tables other than IR_CEN_CRS_SNPSHT_GT, this is set to Y using these guidelines:
- Has a derived expanded level name (ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM) of High School or Undergrad Special for the term and campus2,
- AND one of the following:
- For fall 2014 and later terms is enrolled in at least one class with a class session code of ACP.
- For terms before fall 2014 is enrolled in at least one class with a course attribute code of RPCD and a course attribute value code that included the two-character campus code (e.g. BL) followed by the letters ‘AC’.
- AND for terms prior to fall 2022, was charged course fees for at least one class using one of the item types listed on the last page below.
- Here is the logic used in IR_CEN_CRS_SNPSHT_GT:
- For spring 2018 and later terms, this is set to Y for students who meet all of these criteria:
- Has a derived expanded level name (ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM) of High School or Undergrad Special for the term and campus[3], AND
- Is enrolled in at least one class with a session code from the class table with the value ACP, AND
- One of the following:
- For fall 2022 and future terms, is enrolled in a class with a class session code of ACP.
- For terms prior to fall 2022, was charged course fees for at least one class using one of the item types listed on the last page below.
- For the fall 2014 – Fall 2017 terms, inclusive, this is set to Y for students enrolled in at least one class with a course attribute code of ACP.
- For terms prior to fall 2014, this is set to Y for students enrolled in at least one class with a course attribute code of RPCD and a course attribute value code that included the two-character campus code (e.g. BL) followed by the letters ‘AC’.
- For spring 2018 and later terms, this is set to Y for students who meet all of these criteria:
o STU_ACP_STDNT_IND (and STU_ACP_STDNT_RPT_IND) – Advance College Project Student (Reporting) Indicator
- This appears on Student Term, Census Term, and IR Financial Aid tables.
- These fields exist in tables with the granularity of SR Student Term (table keys of University ID, Career, Institution, and Term). These indicators are set to Y if the student is enrolled in at least one class with CLS_ACP_IND = Y for that career, institution, and term. (For the logic in CLS_ACP_IND, see the previous major bullet point above.)
- The values in IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT are based on the student class detail in IR_CEN_CRS_SNPSHT_GT.
- The values in SR_STU_TERM_GT are based on the student class detail in SR_ENRL_ST.
Appendix: History of UIRR Dual Credit and ACP Reporting
In fall 2017, a subset of these students were excluded from most official enrollment reports in order to more accurately represent on-campus enrollments. These students were identified using the following logic:
- IU Northwest students with one of the following as their Plan 1 academic plan:
- ACPNDG - ACP Students
- DCPNDG - Dual Credit Program Students
- IU Southeast students in the academic program “ACES0 - Advising Ctr for Explor Stdnts” and with one of the following as their Plan 1 academic plan:
- ACPNDG1 - ACP Students
- BTCNDG - Bridge to College
- IPFW students with the following as their Plan 1 academic plan:
- GUISTHSPRP - HS Student Non-Deg Conditional
- Students at one of the remaining IU campuses who were enrolled in at least one class having an ACP course attribute.
Beginning in spring 2018 through spring 2019 census, a slightly different subset of students enrolled in dual credit classes was excluded from most official enrollment reports, due in part to the fact that course attributes were no longer maintained as consistently as in the past. These students were identified using the following logic:
- For campuses other than IPFW, the dual credit students who are excluded from official enrollment reports are high school students who are enrolled at IU and paying $25 per academic unit for at least one course. These credits qualified for the state appropriation to colleges offering the courses. These “Priority Dual Credit” courses are typically listed in the State of Indiana Core Transfer Library as either Priority Dual Credit for Liberal Arts or Career and Technical Education (CTE) dual credit courses. See the Indiana Dual Credit FAQ and the Advance College Program website for more information:
- For IPFW students, dual credit students who are excluded from official enrollment reports are those whose Plan 1 academic plan is GUISTHSPRP - HS Student Non-Deg Conditional.
Beginning in March 2019, the “Priority Dual Credit” courses that qualified for the state appropriation to colleges were no longer identified based on their fee rate of $25 per academic unit, but instead identified by the course fee item types under which these students are charged for their dual credit courses. The list of these item types was maintained in the Oracle table DSS_RDS.IR_SF_DCR_ACP_ITM_TYP_ST, including the following:
Institution Code | Item Type | Item Type Description |
IUBLA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUBLA | 160270010000 | Out-of-State Dual Credit Fee |
IUBLA | 160275000000 | Advance College Proj Fees/HPER |
IUEAA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUEAA | 160270010000 | Out-of-State Dual Credit Fee |
IUEAA | 160280000000 | Dual Credit Fees |
IUINA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUKOA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUKOA | 160270010000 | Out-of-State Dual Credit Fee |
IUNWA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUNWA | 160270010000 | Out-of-State Dual Credit Fee |
IUNWA | 160280000000 | Dual Credit Fees |
IUSBA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUSBA | 160270010000 | Out-of-State Dual Credit Fee |
IUSEA | 160270000000 | Advance College Project Fees |
IUSEA | 160270010000 | Out-of-State Dual Credit Fee |
IUSEA | 160290000000 | Bridge to College Fees |
Beginning in fall 2022, the “Priority Dual Credit” courses that qualify for the state appropriation to colleges no longer carry a course fee, so course fee item types can no longer be used to identify dual credit students for reporting. As a result, for fall 2022 and forward, dual credit students for UIRR reports are identified by courses with a class session code of ACP. Note that reporting for terms prior to fall 2022 still follow the practice in place during time of reporting, as described in the previous paragraphs.
[1] University Institutional Research and Reporting (UIRR) is part of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) within University Information Technology Services (UITS). See .
[2] “Priority Dual Credit” courses qualify for a state appropriation to colleges offering the courses. These “Priority Dual Credit” courses are typically listed in the State of Indiana Core Transfer Library as either Priority Dual Credit for Liberal Arts or Career and Technical Education (CTE) dual credit courses. See the Indiana Dual Credit FAQ and the Advance College Program website for more information: and
[3] IPFW students are instead identified as those with a Plan 1 of GUISTHSPRP - HS Student Non-Deg Conditional. Also, IPFW students’ tuition information is not available to the IU side of IPFW, so all students with Plan 1 = GUISTHSPRP are selected for exclusion from enrollment reports.