Detailed Information Regarding IR Retention Tables
Recent Changes
In Sept 2022, changes are being made to improve the tracking of PhD students. These students will be tracked as follows: |
1. The acad_career_cd for PhD students will be set to GRDD in these retention tables. |
2. A student who enters as a GRAD PhD student will have a stack of records with the GRDD career and will track the students GRAD enrollment (whether masters of PhD enrollment). It will also track a masters degree in the ACAD_DEGR_1_cd set of columns as informational only, but it will not record a D in the term_iu_stat_cd for a masters degree. It will only record a D degree for a doctoral degree earned in the GRDD stack. |
3. if a student enrolls first as a masters level GRAD student, they will have a GRAD stack that will track their masters enrollment and degree. If they then transition to a PhD program, a GRDD stack will be created to track the PhD enrollment. Again, on the GRDD stack, the masters degree will be shown in the ACAD_DEGR* column as informational, but the term_iu_stat_cd will only be set to D when they earn a doctoral degree. |
IR_RETENTION_GT | joins | IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST | IR_RETENTION_GT is a simple join between the two tables on prsn_univ_Id, acad_career_cd and hm_inst_cd | |
and | IR_RETENTION_ST | |||
IR_RETN_GT | joins | IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST | IR_RETN_GT is a simple join between the two tables on prsn_univ_Id, acad_career_cd and hm_inst_cd | |
and | IR_RETENTION_ST | |||
IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_GT | joins | IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST | IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_GT is a simple join between the two tables on prsn_univ_Id, acad_career_cd and hm_inst_cd | |
IR_RETN_BY_PLAN_GT | Complex join used for retention by plan/major | |||
IR_RETN_BY_SCHL_GT | Complex join used for retention by group/school | |||
IR_RETN_DEGR_TRK_GT | Complex join that tracks the plans a student followed to a particular degree | |||
IR_RETN_PLAN_CHGS_GT | Complex join that tracks the plan changes students take who receive a specific degree | |||
IR_RETN_PLAN_MVMT_GT | Complex join that tracks students movement between majors from where they began | |||
IR_RETN_GT | joins | IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST | IR_RETENTION_GT is a simple join between the two tables on prsn_univ_Id, acad_career_cd and hm_inst_cd | |
and | IR_RETENTION_ST | **this view does not have pell and 21c recipient columns |
Column Name | User-Friendly Name | IUIE Labels | Description & Valid Values |
PRSN_UNIV_ID | University ID | University ID | |
ACAD_TERM_RPT_CD | Term | Term Code | |
ACAD_TERM_RPT_DESC | Term Description | Term | |
ACAD_CAREER_DESC | Career Description | Career | |
ACAD_CAREER_CD | Career | Career Code | **NOTE** starting Sept 2022, GRDD will be a new valid value for career, used to track PhD students. |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_TRM_CD | Derived Cohort Term | Cohort Term Code | Term the given cohort was first enrolled |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD | Derived Cohort | Cohort Code | ie, F10UGB=Fall 2010 Undergrad Beginners |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_DESC | Derived Cohort Description | Cohort Desc | |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TERM_CD | IR Derived Admit Term | Derived Admit Term COde | first degree seeking enrolled term |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TYP_CD | IR Derived Admit Type | Derived Admit Type | Admit type of the first degree seeking enrolled term |
STU_ICT_ADMT_TERM_CD | ICT Admit term | ICT Admit Term | Intercampus transfer admit term |
STU_ICT_ADMT_TYP_CD | ICT Admit Type | ICT Admit Type | Intercampus transfer admit type |
TERM_INST_SEQ_NBR | Campus Sequence | Institution Term Sequence Number | Sequential number for all records within a prsn_univ_Id/acad_career_cd/hm_inst_cd |
TERM_COHORT_SEQ_NBR | Cohort Sequence | Cohort Term Sequence Number | Sequential number for all records in the cohort (acad_drvd_cohort_cd) |
TERM_DEGR_SKNG_SEQ_NBR | Degree Seeking Sequence | Degree Seeking Term Sequence Number | Sequential number for all degree seeking records |
TERM_NON_DEGR_SEQ_NBR | Non-Degree Seeking Sequence | Non-degree Seeking Term Sequence Number | Sequential number for all non-degree seeking records. Non degree seeking records only appear in this table if they occurred after a student was already enrolled as a degree seeking student |
TERM_ICT_SEQ_NBR | ICT Sequence Number | ICT Term Sequence Number | Sequential number for ICT records |
HM_INST_CD | Home campus | Home Campus Code | When a student enrolls as a degree seeking student at a campus for the first time, a new stack of records will begin for them for that home campus. |
HM_INST_DESC | Home campus Description | Home Campus | |
HM_INST_DEGR_SKNG_STRT_TRM_CD | Home Campus Degree Seeking Start Term | Home Campus Degree Seeking Start Term Code | |
TERM_DEGR_SKNG_IND | Is this row a degree seeking row? | Degree Seeking Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_IU_STAT_CD | Status for the row across all campuses | IU Status Code | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree, EC=Enrolled Clearinghouse (at other college), DC=Degree Clearinghouse (other college) |
TERM_HM_INST_STAT_CD | Status for the row at the home campus | Home Campus Status Code | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree, EC=Enrolled Clearinghouse (at other college), DC=Degree Clearinghouse (other college) |
TERM_RETND_INST_CD | Retained Campus | Retained Campus | what campus does the term_iu_stat_cd apply to |
TERM_RETND_IU_IND | Retained at IU? | Retained at IU Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_RETND_HM_IND | Retained at home campus? | Retained at Home Campus Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at IU? | IU Degree Received in Current Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at home campus? | Home Campus Degree Received in Current Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term at IU? | IU Degree Received in Current or Prior Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term home campus? | Home Campus Degree Received in Current or Prior Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_BA_IU_STAT_CD | BA student's status at IU | BA Seeking IU status code | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree, EC=Enrolled Clearinghouse (at other college), DC=Degree Clearinghouse (other college) |
TERM_BA_HM_INST_STAT_CD | BA student's status at home campus | BA Seeking Home Campus status code | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree, EC=Enrolled Clearinghouse (at other college), DC=Degree Clearinghouse (other college) |
TERM_BA_RETND_IU_IND | BA student retained at IU? | BA Seeking IU retained Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_BA_RETND_HM_IND | BA student retained at home campus? | BA Seeking Home Campus retained Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_BA_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at IU for BA student? | IU BA Degree Received in Current Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_BA_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at home campus for BA student? | Home Campus BA Degree Received in Current Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_BA_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term at IU for BA student? | IU BA Degree Received in Current or Prior Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_BA_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term home campus for BA student? | Home Campus BA Degree Received in Current or Prior Term Ind | 0=no, 1=yes |
STU_BOT_IU_CUM_GPA_NBR | Begin of term IU Cumulative GPA | Begin of Term IU Cumulative GPA | |
STU_BOT_IU_CUM_UNT_NBR | Begin of term IU Cumulative Units | Begin of Term IU Cumulative Units | |
STU_BOT_IU_TERM_UNT_NBR | Begin of Term, Term units | Begin of Term IU Term Units | |
STU_EOT_IU_CUM_GPA_NBR | End of term IU Cumulative GPA | End of Term IU Cumulative GPA | |
STU_EOT_IU_CUM_UNT_NBR | End of term IU Cumulative Units | End of Term IU Cumulative Units | |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_GPA_NBR | End of Term, Term GPA | End of Term IU Term GPA | |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_UNT_NBR | End of Term , Term units/hours | End of Term IU Term Units | The total units the student is still enrolled in at corrected grades, regardless of grade |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_EARN_UNT_NBR | End of Term - earned term units/hours | End of Term IU Term Units Earned | The total units the student is still enrolled in at corrected grades, where the grade was A,B,C,D,P,S, but not *X. |
STU_BOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | Begin of Term Cum GPA | Begin of Term Cum GPA | |
STU_EOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | End of Term Cum GPA | End of Term Cum GPA | |
STU_BOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | Begin of Term Cum Units | Begin of Term Cum Units | |
STU_EOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | End of Term Cum Units | End of Term Cum Units | |
STU_BOT_TRM_UNT_NBR | Begin of Term, Term Units | Begin of Term Units (for term) | |
STU_EOT_TRM_GPA_NBR | End of Term, Term GPA | End of Term GPA | |
STU_EOT_TRM_UNT_NBR | End of Term, Term Units | End of Term Units (for term) | |
STU_EOT_TRM_EARN_UNT_NBR | End of Term, Term Earned Units | End of Term Earned Units (for term) | |
ACAD_GRP_CD | Academic Group (school) | Group (school) Code | |
ACAD_GRP_DESC | Academic Group Description | Group (school) | |
ACAD_INCMNG_STAT_CD | Incoming Status Code | Incoming Status (cohort or ICT) | This is equal to ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD if the student is in a cohort at the campus. If not, and they are an ICT student, it will be set to ICUxxxx, where xxxx is the ICT admit term |
ACAD_DEGR_1_CD | Degree 1 | Degree Code 1 | |
ACAD_DEGR_1_DESC | Degree 1 Description | Degree 1 | |
STU_DEGR_DRVD_CMPLTN_TERM_1_CD | Degree 1 Completion Term | Degree 1 Derived Completion Term | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_CD | Degree 1 Major | Degree 1 Major Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_DESC | Degree 1 Major Description | Degree 1 Major | |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR1_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree 1 Exit School | Degree 1 Major Exit School Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_2_CD | Degree 2 | Degree 2 Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_2_DESC | Degree 2 Description | Degree 2 | |
STU_DEGR_DRVD_CMPLTN_TERM_2_CD | Degree 2 Completion Term | Degree 2 Derived Completion Term COde | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_CD | Degree 2 Major | Degree 2 Major Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_DESC | Degree 2 Major Description | Degree 2 Major | |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR2_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree 2 Exit School | Degree 2 Major Exit School Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_3_CD | Degree 3 | Degree 3 Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_3_DESC | Degree 3 Description | Degree 3 | |
STU_DEGR_DRVD_CMPLTN_TERM_3_CD | Degree 3 Completion Term | Degree 2 Derived Completion Term COde | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_CD | Degree 3 Major | Degree 3 Major Code | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_DESC | Degree 3 Major Description | Degree 3 Major | |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR3_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree 3 Exit School | Degree 3 Major Exit School Code | |
INTND_SCH_CD | Intended School | Intended School on this Term | |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND | Row Unduplicated Indicator | Unduplicated Ind on this row | |
STU_EXCL_IND | Exclusion | Exclusion Indicator | XD=student is deceased prior to the census date of the term; XM=student is on military leave prior to census date of the term;D=deceased in the term, but after degree snapshot date; M-military leave in the term, but it was after the degree snapshot; N=no exclusion |
STU_DEGR_1_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 1 Cumulative GPA Number | Degree 1 Cumulative GPA | |
STU_DEGR_1_IUGPA_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 1 IUGPA Cumulative GPA | Degree 1 Cumulative IU GPA | |
STU_DEGR_2_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 2 Cumulative GPA Number | Degree 2 Cumulative GPA | |
STU_DEGR_2_IUGPA_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 2 IUGPA Cumulative GPA | Degree 2 Cumulative IU GPA | |
STU_DEGR_3_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 3 Cumulative GPA Number | Degree 3 Cumulative GPA | |
STU_DEGR_3_IUGPA_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 4 IUGPA Cumulative GPA | Degree 3 Cumulative IU GPA | |
ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM | Derived Expanded Level | Derived Expanded Level | |
ACAD_DRVD_LVL_NM | Derived Level | Derived Level | |
STU_USE4_BASE_POP_CALC_NBR | Use this for calculatine base population with exclusions. | Counter to Use for Base Population | 1 if row should be counted, 0 if it should be excluded. |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR1_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Months to degree1 from admit term | Months to Degree 1 based on Admit Term | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR1_1ST_TRM_NBR | Months to degree1 from first term enrolled | Months to Degree 1 based on First Term Enrolled | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR1_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Years to degree1 from admit term | Years to Degree 1 based on Admit Term | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR1_1ST_TRM_NBR | Years to degree1 from first term enrolled | Years to Degree 1 based on First Term Enrolled | |
ACAD_DEGR1_ED_LVL_CD | Degree1 education level | Degree 1 Education Level | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR2_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Months to degree2 from admit term | Months to Degree 2 based on Admit Term | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR2_1ST_TRM_NBR | Months to degree2 from first term enrolled | Months to Degree 2 based on First Term Enrolled | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR2_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Years to degree2 from admit term | Years to Degree 2 based on Admit Term | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR2_1ST_TRM_NBR | Years to degree2 from first term enrolled | Years to Degree 2 based on First Term Enrolled | |
ACAD_DEGR2_ED_LVL_CD | Degree2 education level | Degree 2 Education Level | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR3_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Months to degree3 from admit term | Months to Degree 3 based on Admit Term | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR3_1ST_TRM_NBR | Months to degree3 from first term enrolled | Months to Degree 3 based on First Term Enrolled | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR3_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Years to degree3 from admit term | Years to Degree 3 based on Admit Term | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR3_1ST_TRM_NBR | Years to degree3 from first term enrolled | Years to Degree 3 based on First Term Enrolled | |
ACAD_DEGR3_ED_LVL_CD | Degree3 education level | Degree 3 Education Level | |
ACAD_DEGR1_SNPSHT_DT | Snapshot date to use as the latest snapshot for degree 1 when doing calculations for months and years to degree | Degree 1 Snapshot Date | |
ACAD_DEGR2_SNPSHT_DT | Snapshot date to use as the latest snapshot for degree 2 when doing calculations for months and years to degree | Degree 2 Snapshot Date | |
ACAD_DEGR1_SNPSHT_DT | Snapshot date to use as the latest snapshot for degree 3 when doing calculations for months and years to degree | Degree 3 Snapshot Date | |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_1O0PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 100%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | Education Level for 100 Percent Degree Completion Time - Official | 100% is 1 year for Certificate, 2 years for Associates, 4 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_150PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 150%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | Education Level for 150 Percent Degree Completion Time - Official | 150% is 1.5 year for Certificate, 3 years for Associates, 6 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_2O0PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 200%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | Education Level for 200 Percent Degree Completion Time - Official | 200% is 2 year for Certificate, 4 years for Associates, 8 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_100PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 100%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | Education Level for 100 Percent Degree Completion Time - Unofficial | 100% is 1 year for Certificate, 2 years for Associates, 4 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_150PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 150%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | Education Level for 150 Percent Degree Completion Time - Unofficial | 150% is 1.5 year for Certificate, 3 years for Associates, 6 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_200PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 200%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | Education Level for 200 Percent Degree Completion Time - Unofficial | 200% is 2 year for Certificate, 4 years for Associates, 8 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_250PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 250%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | Education Level for 250 Percent Degree Completion Time - Unofficial | 250% is 2.5 year for Certificate, 4 years for Associates, 8 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_1_INST_CD | Institution where the acad_degr_1_cd was received | Degree 1 Campus | |
ACAD_DEGR_2_INST_CD | Institution where the acad_degr_2_cd was received | Degree 2 Campus | |
ACAD_DEGR_3_INST_CD | Institution where the acad_degr_3_cd was received | Degree 3 Campus | |
TERM_SVIND_HOLD_DESC | Service Indicator Holds | Service Indicator Hold Desc | if a student is not enrolled, and the y have a service indicator preventing enrollment in this term, the description is here |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_UNT_NBR | End of Term - term units/hours | The total units the student is still enrolled in at corrected grades, regardless of grade | |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_EARN_UNT_NBR | End of Term - earned term units/hours | The total units the student is still enrolled in at corrected grades, where the grade was A,B,C,D,P,S, but not *X. | |
FRST_TRM_INCMNG_STAT_CD | Incoming Status Code | First Term Incoming Status | This is equal to ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD if the student is in a cohort at the campus. If not, and they are an ICT student, it will be set to ICUxxxx, where xxxx is the ICT admit term |
FRST_TRM_ACAD_PRM_PGM_CD | Primary Program | First Term Primary Program Code | |
FRST_TRM_ACAD_GRP_CD | Academic Group | First Term Group (School) Code | |
FRST_TRM_INTND_SCH_CD | Intended School | First Term Intended School Code | |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_ETHNICITY | Derived Ethnicity | First Term Ethnicity | |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_GNDR_DESC | Sex | First Term Gender | |
FRST_TRM_IR_21ST_C_SCHOLAR | 21st Century Scholar | First Term 21st Century Scholar | Y/N |
FRST_TRM_IR_FRST_GEN_IND | First Generation | First Term First Generation Student Ind | Y/N |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_OFCL_RES_DESC | Official Residency | First Term Official Residency | |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_CD | Admissions Home County Code | First Term Admissions Home County Code | |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_NM | Admissions Home County | First Term Admissions Home County | |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_ADMT_HM_ST_CD | Admissions Home State | First Term Admissions Home State | |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_ADMT_HM_ZIP_CD | Admissions Home Zip Code | First Term Admissions Home Zip | |
FRST_TRM_ADMT_HM_CNTRY_CD | Admissions Home Country | First Term Admissions Home Country Code | |
FRST_TRM_EXT_ORG_ID | High School Org ID | First Term High School Org ID | |
FRST_TRM_STU_HS_NM | High School Name | First Term High School Name | |
FRST_TRM_STU_HS_GRAD_DT | High School Graduation Date | First Term High School Graduation Date | |
FRST_TRM_STU_HS_GPA_NBR | High School GPA | First Term High School GPA | |
FRST_TRM_DRVD_SAT_COMP_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | First Term Derived SAT Composite (2016) | 2016 based scores |
FRST_TRM_DRVD_SAT_ACT_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | First Term Derived SAT/ACT Ind (2016) | 2016 based scores |
FRST_TRM_SAT_CALC_COMP_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | First Term Derived SAT Calculated Composite (2016) | 2016 based scores |
FRST_TRM_ACT_TO_SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | First Term Derived ACT to SAT Nbr (2016) | 2016 based scores |
FRST_TRM_AG_DRVDSAT_CMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | First Term Derived SAT Composite (2016) - Agency only | 2016 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG_DRVD_SATACT_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | First Term Derived SAT/ACT Ind (2016)- Agency only | 2016 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG_SATCALC_CMPST_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | First Term Derived SAT Calculated Composite (2016) - Agency only | 2016 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | First Term Derived ACT to SAT Nbr (2016) - Agency only | 2016 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_2017DRVD_SATCMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | First Term Derived SAT Composite (2017) | 2017 based scores |
FRST_TRM_2017_DRVD_SRC_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | First Term Derived SAT/ACT Ind (2017) | 2017 based scores |
FRST_TRM_2017_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | First Term Derived SAT Calculated Composite (2017) | 2017 based scores |
FRST_TRM_2017_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | First Term Derived ACT to SAT Nbr (2017) | 2017 based scores |
FRST_TRM_AG2017_DRVSATCMPS_NBR | Derived SAT Composite (Agency only) | First Term Derived SAT Composite (2017) - Agency only | 2017 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG2017_DRVD_SRC_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) (Agency only) | First Term Derived SAT/ACT Ind (2017)- Agency only | 2017 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG2017_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite (Agency only) | First Term Derived SAT Calculated Composite (2017) - Agency only | 2017 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG2017_ACT2SATMAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT (Agency only) | First Term Derived ACT to SAT Nbr (2017) - Agency only | 2017 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND | Unduplicated headcount indicator | First Term Unduplicated Ind | |
FRST_TRM_DRVD_STU_CRR_LOAD_IND | Career Load | First Term Courseload | F/P |
FRST_TRM_ACADLVL_BEG_TERM_CD | SIS Level at Begin of Term | First Term Acad Level at Begin of Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_ENRL_CD | First Term enrolled ever | First Term Enrolled Code | |
STU_1ST_TRM_ENRL_STRT_DT | First Term enrolled ever, date | First Term Enrolled Start Date | |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TERM_DT | Admit Term Date | Derived Admit Term Date | |
APPL_COND_ADMT_IND | Conditional Admit ? | Conditional Admit Ind | y/n |
FRST_TRM_PRSN_AGE_NBR | Age | First Term Age | |
FRST_TRM_2019DRVD_SATCMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | 2019 Derived SAT Composite | 2019 based scores |
FRST_TRM_2019_DRVD_SRC_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | 2019 Derived SAT Composite Source | 2019 based scores |
FRST_TRM_2019_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | 2019 SAT Calculated Composite | 2019 based scores |
FRST_TRM_2019_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | 2019 ACT to SAT Converted Score | 2019 based scores |
FRST_TRM_AG2019_DRVSATCMPS_NBR | Derived SAT Composite (Agency only) | Agency only 2019 Derived SAT Composite | 2019 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG2019_DRVD_SRC_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) (Agency only) | Agency Only 2019 Derived SAT Composite Source | 2019 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG2019_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite (Agency only) | Agency Only 2019 SAT Calculated Composite | 2019 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_AG2019_ACT2SATMAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT (Agency only) | Agency Only 2019 ACT to SAT Converted Score | 2019 based scores, agency only |
FRST_TRM_IU_GPA_NBR | First Term GPA | First Term IU GPA | From corrected grades snapshot |
FRST_TRM_IU_UNT_NBR | First Term Units | First Term IU Units | From corrected grades snapshot |
FRST_TRM_PRM_PLAN_1_CD | primary plan 1 at first term | First Term Primary Plan 1 Code | |
FRST_TRM_PRM_PLAN_1_DESC | primary plan 1 at first term | First Term Primary Plan 1 Desc | |
FRST_TRM_PRM_PGM_DESC | Primary program at first term | First Term Primary Program Desc | |
FRST_TRM_GRP_DESC | Academic group/school at first term | First Term Group (school) | |
FRST_TRM_HS_DPLM_TYP_DESC | High school diploma type | First Term High School Diploma Type | |
FRST_TRM_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM | Derived Expanded level at first term | First Term Derived Expanded Level | |
FRST_TRM_INTND_DEGR | First Term intended degree | First Term Intended Degree | BA or Other |
STU_2016_DRVD_SAT_RNG | Sat range (2016 based scores) | First Term 2016 SAT Range | |
STU_2017_DRVD_SAT_RNG | Sat range (2017 based scores) | First Term 2017 SAT Range | |
STU_2019_DRVD_SAT_RNG | Sat range (2019 based scores) | First Term 2019 SAT Range | |
STU_HS_GPA_RNG | High School GPA range | High School GPA Range 1 | |
STU_HS_GPA_2_RNG | A second High School GPA breakdown | High School GPA Range 2 | this GPA range is a broader range than STU_HS_GPA_RNG |
NSC_COLL_NM | NSC College Name | NSC College Name (Other College Name from National Student Clearinghouse) | if the student had enrollment or received a degree from another school, this contains the college name (NSC=National Student Clearinghouse) |
NSC_COLL_ST_CD | NSC College State | NSC College State | College State Code |
NSC_COLL_ORG_TYP_CD | NSC College Org Type | NSC College Type | College Org Type (2 year or 4 year) |
NSC_COLL_PUBL_PRIV | NSC College Public/Private | NSC College Public/Private | |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_TTL | NSC College Degree Title | NSC College Degree | |
NSC_DEGR_DRVD_ED_LVL_CD | NSC College Degeee Derived Education Level | NSC College Derived Education Level | |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_DT | NSC College Degree Date | NSC College Degree Date | |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_MJR_NM | NSC College Degree Major | NSC College Degree Major | |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_CIP_CD | NSC College Degree CIP Code | NSC College Degree CIP | |
NSC_COLL_ENRL_BEGIN_DT | NSC College Enrollment Begin Date | NSC College Enroll Begin Date | |
NSC_COLL_ENRL_END_DT | NSC College Enrollment End Date | NSC College Enroll End Dt | |
NSC_COLL_ENRL_STAT | NSC College Enrollment Status | NSC College Enroll Status | Indicates if the enrollment was Fulltime, Half-time, etc |
STU_TRNFR_CUR_STAT_CD | Transfer School Current Term Status | Transfer Status Current Term | XFR_ENRL= enrolled at another institution in the current term XFR100=received a degree in 100% of the time in this current term XFR125=received a degree in 125% of the time in this current term XFR150=received a degree in 150% of the time in this current term XFR_OTHER=received a degree in greater than 150% of the time in this current term |
STU_TRNFR_CUR_DEGR_LVL_CD | Transfer School Current Term Degree Level | Transfer Degree Education Level for current term | Other institution degree education level if the degree was received this current term |
STU_TRNFR_OVRL_STAT_CD | Transfer School Overall Status | Transfer Status Overall | As the student has moved through their career, this column will contain the best of the current term values if they were at another institution XFR_ENRL= enrolled at another institution XFR100=received a degree in 100% of the time XFR125=received a degree in 125% of the time XFR150=received a degree in 150% of the time XFR_OTHER=received a degree in greater than 150% of the time |
STU_TRNFR_OVRL_DEGR_LVL_CD | Transfer School Overall Degree Level | Transfer Degree Education Level Overall | Other institution degree education level |
PRSN_VET_1ST_TRM_IND | First Term Veterans Ind | Veteran ind in students first term | Y if the student was flagged as a veteran in their first term at the campus |
PRSN_VET_FMLY_1ST_TRM_IND | First Term Veterans Family Ind | Veteran Family ind in students first term | Y if the student was flagged as a veteran family in their first term at the campus |
PRSN_GI_BILL_1ST_TRM_IND | First Term GI Bill Ind | GI Bill ind in students first term | Y if the student was flagged as on the GI Bill in their first term at the campus |
PRSN_GI_VET_1ST_TRM_IND | First Term GI Veterans Ind | GI Veteran ind in students first term | Y if the student was flagged as a GI veteran in their first term at the campus |
PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_1ST_TRM_IND | First Term GI Veterans Family Ind | GI Veteran Family ind in students first term | Y if the student was flagged as a GI veteran family in their first term at the campus |
PRSN_VET_ANY_TRM_IND | Any Term Veterans Ind | Veteran ind in any term | Y if the student was flagged as a veteran in any term at the campus |
PRSN_VET_FMLY_ANY_TRM_IND | Any Term Veterans Family Ind | Veteran Family ind in any term | Y if the student was flagged as a veteran family in any term at the campus |
PRSN_GI_BILL_ANY_TRM_IND | Any Term GI Bill Ind | GI Bill ind in any term | Y if the student was flagged as on the GI Bill in any term at the campus |
PRSN_GI_VET_ANY_TRM_IND | Any Term GI Veterans Ind | GI Veteran ind in any term | Y if the student was flagged as a GI veteran in any term at the campus |
PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_ANY_TRM_IND | Any Term GI Veterans Family Ind | GI Veteran Family ind in any term | Y if the student was flagged as a GI veteran family in any term at the campus |
BURSAR_HSE_CHRG_EVER_IND | Housing Charge Ever | Bursar Housing Charge ever? | Y if the student has ever received a bursar housing charge |
STU_GEN_ED_CORE_SRC_CD | General Education Source | General Education Core Source | IU=gen ed core completed at an IU campus, XFR = completed at a non-IU institution, NR=nt required, INC=incomplete |
STU_GEN_ED_CORE_INST_NM | General Education Institution | General Education Core Institution | Name of the Indiana institution where the Gen Ed Core was competed |
STU_FORMER_ACP_IND | Former ACP student | Was Student ACP | Y if the student received IU ACP credit while in high school (ACP is a subset of all dual credit) |
STU_FORMER_DCR_IND | Former DCR student | Was Student DCR? | Y if the student received IU Dual Credit while in high school |
STU_TST_OPTN_VAL | Test Optional Value | Test Optional Value | TOUT if the student decided to opt out of having their test scores used in the admissions process |
STU_DRVD_SAT_ERWS_SCR_NBR | Derived ERWS Score | Derived SAT ERWS Score | |
STU_DRVD_SAT_ERWS_SOURCE | Derived ERWS Source | Derived SAT ERWS Source | SAT2017 if score is an ERWS score, SAT2016 if it was derived from a pre-2017 VE score |
STU_DRVD_SAT_MSS_SCR_NBR | Derived MSS Score | Derived SAT MSS Score | |
STU_DRVD_SAT_MSS_SOURCE | Derived MSS Source | Derived SAT MSS Source | SAT2017 if score is an MSS score, SAT2016 if it was derived from a pre-2017 MS score |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_WHT_IND | Ethnic Detail White Ind | Ethnic Detail White Ind | Ethnicity - White Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_BLK_IND | Ethnic Detail African American Ind | Ethnic Detail Black Ind | Ethnicity - African American Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_HISP_IND | Ethnic Detail Hispanic Ind | Ethnic Detail Hispanic Ind | Ethnicity - Hispanic Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_ASN_IND | Ethnic Detail Asian Ind | Ethnic Detail Asian Ind | Ethnicity - Asian Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_AMIN_IND | Ethnic Detail American Indian Ind | Ethnic Detail Amer Indian Ind | Ethnicity - American Indian Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_NONE_IND | Ethnic Detail None Selected Ind | Ethnic Detail None Ind | Ethnicity - None Selected Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_PCFC_ISLDR_IND | Ethnic Detail Pacific Islander Ind | Ethnic Detail Pacific Isl Ind | Ethnicity - Pacific Islander Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_VLDTD_IND | Ethnic Detail Validated Ind | Ethnic Detail Validated Ind | Ethnicity - Validated Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_HISP_IND | Hispanic Ind | Ethnic Hispanic Ind | Indicates the answer to the first question "Are you Hispanic or Latino?" - Y//N. |
STU_1ST_TRM_MIN_CLS_SZ_NBR | First Term Minimum Class Size | First Term Min Class Size | |
STU_1ST_TRM_MAX_CLS_SZ_NBR | First Term Maximum Class Size | First Term Max Class Size | |
STU_1ST_TRM_MED_CLS_SZ_NBR | First Term Median Class Size | First Term Median Class Size | |
STU_1ST_CERT_TERM_CD | First Certified out of UDIV/UCOL/SIT Term | First Term Certified | |
STU_1ST_CERT_TERM_GRP_CD | First Certified out of UDIV/UCOL Group/School Cd | First Term Certified Grp/School | |
STU_HSE_TYP_DESC | Housing Type | Housing Type | |
STU_HSE_BLDG_NM | Housing Building | Housing Building | |
STU_HSE_LLC_TYP_NM | Housing LLC Type | Huosing LLC Type | |
STU_HSE_LLC_NM | Housing LLC Name | Housing LLC Name | |
STU_HSE_RM_NBR | Housing Room Nbr | Housing Rm Nbr | |
STU_1ST_TRM_A_GRD_CNT | Number of A grades in First Term | First Term Nbr A Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_B_GRD_CNT | Number of B grades in First Term | First Term Nbr B Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_C_GRD_CNT | Number of C grades in First Term | First Term Nbr C Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_D_GRD_CNT | Number of D grades in First Term | First Term Nbr D Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_F_GRD_CNT | Number of F grades in First Term | First Term Nbr F Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_P_GRD_CNT | Number of P grades in First Term | First Term Nbr P Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_S_GRD_CNT | Number of S grades in First Term | First Term Nbr S Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_W_GRD_CNT | Number of W grades in First Term | First Term Nbr W Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_I_GRD_CNT | Number of I grades in First Term | First Term Nbr I Grades | |
STU_1ST_TRM_OTHER_GRD_CNT | Number of Other grades in First Term | First Term Nbr Other Grades | Number of grades other than A,B,C,D,F,P,S in first term |
STU_ACP_HRS | ACP Hours | ACP Hours | Total ACP hours taken at an IU campus prior to high school graduation |
STU_NON_ACP_DCR_HRS | Non-ACP Dual Credit ACP hours | Non-ACP Dual Credit Hours | Total Dual Credit hours that are not ACP taken at an IU campus prior to high school graduation |
STU_AP_TST_HRS | AP Test Hours | AP Test Hours | Total Hours earned from AP Tests |
STU_OTHER_TST_HRS | Other Test Hours | Other Test Hours | Total Hours earned from non-AP Tests |
STU_XFR_DCR_HRS | Transfer Dual Credit Hours | Transfer Dual Credit Hours | Total hours earned by a non-IU institution before high school graduation and transferred to IU |
STU_OTHER_XFR_HRS | Other Transfer Hours | Other Pre-College Hours | Other special credit transferred to IU |
STU_OTHER_IU_HS_HRS | Other IU High School Hours | Other IU High School Hours | Any non dual credit hours taken at IU as a high school student |
STU_HS_SRVC_RGN_IND | High School Service Region | HS Campus Service Region Ind | |
STU_1ST_TRM_BOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | Begin of First Term, Cumulative GPA | First Term, Begin of Term, Cum GPA | |
STU_1ST_TRM_BOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | Begin of First Term, Cumulative Units | First Term, Begin of Term, Cum Units | |
STU_1ST_TRM_EOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | End of First Term, Cumulative GPA | First Term, End of Term, Cum GPA | |
STU_1ST_TRM_EOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | End of First Term, Cumulative Units | First Term, End of Term, Cum Units | |
STU_1ST_TRM_GPA_NBR | End of First Term, Term GPA | First Term, Term GPA | |
ACAD_CAREER_ORIG_CD | Contains the original career code, will match acad_career_cd except for PhD students who will have GRAD in the original code and GRDD in the acad_career_cd | Original Career Code | |
STU_1ST_TRM_PLAN_1_COA_CD | Primary Plan 1 Chart of Accounts Code (first term) | First Term Pri Plan 1 Chart of Accounts Code | |
STU_1ST_TRM_PLAN_1_ORG_CD | Primary Plan 1 Financial Org Code (first term) | First Term Pri Plan 1 Org Code | |
STU_1ST_TRM_PLAN_1_ORG_NM | Primary Plan 1 Financial Org Name (first term) | First Term Pri Plan 1 Org Name | |
STU_1ST_TRM_PLAN_1_RC_CD | Primary Plan 1 Responsibility Code (first term) | First Term Pri Plan 1 RC Code | |
STU_1ST_TRM_PLAN_1_RC_NM | Primary Plan 1 Responsibility Name (first term) | First Term Pri Plan 1 RC Name |
IR_RETENTION_ST | Population included is anyone who began as a degree seeking student in 4068 or later. There is one row per prsn_univ_Id/acad_career_cd/hm_inst_cd/acad_term_rpt_cd. | |
PRSN_UNIV_ID | University ID | |
ACAD_TERM_RPT_DESC | Term Description | |
ACAD_CAREER_DESC | Career Description | |
ACAD_CAREER_CD | Career | **NOTE** starting Sept 2022, GRDD will be a new valid value for career, used to track PhD students. |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_TRM_CD | IPEDS Cohort Term Code | First (fall or spring) term enrolled for the cohort |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD | IPEDS Cohort Code | ie, F10UGB=Fall 2010 Undergrad Beginners |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_DESC | IPEDS Cohort Description | |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TERM_CD | IR Derived Admit Term | Contains the first term a student enrolled in a degree seeking program for a career. |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TYP_CD | IR Derived Admit Type | Contains the admit type for a students first term enrolled in a degree seeking program for a career. The admit type distinguishes between first year beginners, first year external transfers, post-baccalaureate degree seekers, high school students, inter campus transfers, returning students, and visiting students. |
STU_ICT_ADMT_TERM_CD | ICT Admit term | Intercampus transfer admit term |
STU_ICT_ADMT_TYP_CD | ICT Admit Type | Intercampus transfer admit type |
TERM_INST_SEQ_NBR | Campus Sequence | Sequential number for all records within a prsn_univ_Id/acad_career_cd/hm_inst_cd |
TERM_COHORT_SEQ_NBR | Cohort Sequence | Sequential number for all records in the cohort (acad_drvd_cohort_cd) |
TERM_DEGR_SKNG_SEQ_NBR | Degree Seeking Sequence | Sequential number for all degree seeking records |
TERM_NON_DEGR_SEQ_NBR | Non-Degree Seeking Sequence | Sequential number for all non-degree seeking records. Non degree seeking records only appear in this table if they occurred after a student was already enrolled as a degree seeking student |
TERM_ICT_SEQ_NBR | ICT Sequence Number | Sequential number for inter campus transfer records |
HM_INST_CD | Home campus | When a student enrolls as a degree seeking student at a campus for the first time, a new stack of records will begin for them for that home campus. |
HM_INST_DESC | Home campus Description | Home campus description |
HM_INST_DEGR_SKNG_STRT_TRM_CD | Home Campus Degree Seeking Start Term | First term a student is enrolled in a degree seeking program at the home campus |
TERM_DEGR_SKNG_IND | Is this row a degree seeking row? | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_IU_STAT_CD | Status for the row across all campuses | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree) , N=no enrollment or degree, EC=Enrolled Clearinghouse (at other college), DC=Degree Clearinghouse (other college) |
TERM_HM_INST_STAT_CD | Status for the row at the home campus | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree |
TERM_RETND_INST_CD | Retained Campus | if a student was retained at IU this term, this contains the campus where they were retained. If they were at multiple campuses, one is selected, with the home campus given priority, then the remaining campuses in order of BL,IN,CO,EA,KO,NW,SB,SE. |
TERM_RETND_IU_IND | Retained at IU? | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_RETND_HM_IND | Retained at home campus? | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at IU? | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at home campus? | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term at IU? | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term home campus? | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_BA_IU_STAT_CD | BA student's status at IU | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree |
TERM_BA_HM_INST_STAT_CD | BA student's status at home campus | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree |
TERM_BA_RETND_IU_IND | BA student retained at IU? | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_BA_RETND_HM_IND | BA student retained at home campus? | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_BA_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at IU for BA student? | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_BA_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term at home campus for BA student? | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_BA_IU_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term at IU for BA student? | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_BA_HM_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term home campus for BA student? | 0=no, 1=yes |
STU_BOT_IU_CUM_GPA_NBR | Begin of term IU Cumulative GPA | |
STU_EOT_IU_CUM_GPA_NBR | End of term IU Cumulative GPA | |
STU_BOT_IU_CUM_UNT_NBR | Begin of term IU Cumulative Units | |
STU_EOT_IU_CUM_UNT_NBR | End of term IU Cumulative Units | |
STU_DRVD_TOT_TERM_UNT_NBR | Term enrolled units | This derived field contains the sum of the units(hours) for all classes a student was enrolled in for a given term. |
ACAD_GRP_CD | Academic Group (school) | |
ACAD_GRP_DESC | Academic Group Description | |
ACAD_INCMNG_STAT_CD | Incoming Status Code | This is equal to ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD if the student is in a cohort at the campus. If not, and they are an ICT student, it will be set to ICUxxxx, where xxxx is the ICT admit term |
ACAD_DEGR_1_CD | Degree 1 | First degree received by the student in the prior term for the career. That is, in the retention model, a degree is not indicated as received until the term following the term when they actually received the degree. Also, in the model, the degree data is carried forward to all subsequent terms. |
ACAD_DEGR_1_DESC | Degree 1 Description | Description for the first degree |
STU_DEGR_DRVD_CMPLTN_TERM_1_CD | Degree 1 Completion Term | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_CD | Degree 1 Major | First degree major code |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_DESC | Degree 1 Major Description | First degree major |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_ONL_IND | Degree 1 Major Online Indicator | Online Plan indicator for first degree major. Possible values are N (no), Y (plan is 100% online), Y8 (plan is 80% to 99% online), Y5 (plan is 50%-79% online). |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR1_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree 1 Exit School | Exit school is a derived value based on campus, school, program and plan |
ACAD_DEGR_2_CD | Degree 2 | Second degree received by the student in the prior term for the career. That is, in the retention model, a degree is not indicated as received until the term following the term when they actually received the degree. Also, in the model, the degree data is carried forward to all subsequent terms. |
ACAD_DEGR_2_DESC | Degree 2 Description | Description for the second degree |
STU_DEGR_DRVD_CMPLTN_TERM_2_CD | Degree 2 Completion Term | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_CD | Degree 2 Major | Second degree major code |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_DESC | Degree 2 Major Description | Second degree major |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_ONL_IND | Degree 2 Major Online Indicator | Online Plan indicator for second degree major. Possible values are N (no), Y (plan is 100% online), Y8 (plan is 80% to 99% online), Y5 (plan is 50%-79% online). |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR2_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree 2 Exit School | Exit school is a derived value based on campus, school, program and plan |
ACAD_DEGR_3_CD | Degree 3 | Third degree received by the student in the prior term for the career. That is, in the retention model, a degree is not indicated as received until the term following the term when they actually received the degree. Also, in the model, the degree data is carried forward to all subsequent terms. |
ACAD_DEGR_3_DESC | Degree 3 Description | Description for the third degree |
STU_DEGR_DRVD_CMPLTN_TERM_3_CD | Degree 3 Completion Term | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_CD | Degree 3 Major | Third degree major code |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_DESC | Degree 3 Major Description | Third degree major |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_ONL_IND | Degree 3 Major Online Indicator | Online Plan indicator for third degree major. Possible values are N (no), Y (plan is 100% online), Y8 (plan is 80% to 99% online), Y5 (plan is 50%-79% online). |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR3_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree 3 Exit School | Exit school is a derived value based on campus, school, program and plan |
INTND_SCH_CD | Intended School | Contains the students intended school based on the program of study. The intended school is derived from a campus and program. For instance, at Bloomington, a student could be admitted directly to the business school, BUS, or to the University Division business program, UDBU1. Both of these would indicate a students intended school is BUS. |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND | Row Unduplicated Indicator | |
STU_EXCL_IND | Exclusion | XD=student is deceased prior to the census date of the term; XM=student is on military leave prior to census date of the term;D=deceased in the term, but after degree snapshot date; M-military leave in the term, but it was after the degree snapshot; N=no exclusion |
STU_DEGR_1_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 1 Cumulative GPA Number | |
STU_DEGR_1_IUGPA_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 1 IUGPA Cumulative GPA | |
STU_DEGR_2_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 2 Cumulative GPA Number | |
STU_DEGR_2_IUGPA_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 2 IUGPA Cumulative GPA | |
STU_DEGR_3_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 3 Cumulative GPA Number | |
STU_DEGR_3_IUGPA_CUM_GPA_NBR | Degree 4 IUGPA Cumulative GPA | |
ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM | Derived Expanded Level | |
ACAD_DRVD_LVL_NM | Derived Level | |
STU_USE4_BASE_POP_CALC_NBR | Use this for calculatine base population with exclusions. | 1 if row should be counted, 0 if it should be excluded. |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR1_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Months to degree1 from admit term | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR1_1ST_TRM_NBR | Months to degree1 from first term enrolled | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR1_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Years to degree1 from admit term | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR1_1ST_TRM_NBR | Years to degree1 from first term enrolled | |
ACAD_DEGR1_ED_LVL_CD | Degree1 education level | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR2_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Months to degree2 from admit term | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR2_1ST_TRM_NBR | Months to degree2 from first term enrolled | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR2_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Years to degree2 from admit term | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR2_1ST_TRM_NBR | Years to degree2 from first term enrolled | |
ACAD_DEGR2_ED_LVL_CD | Degree2 education level | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR3_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Months to degree3 from admit term | |
STU_MOS_TO_DEGR3_1ST_TRM_NBR | Months to degree3 from first term enrolled | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR3_ADMT_TRM_NBR | Years to degree3 from admit term | |
STU_YRS_TO_DEGR3_1ST_TRM_NBR | Years to degree3 from first term enrolled | |
ACAD_DEGR3_ED_LVL_CD | Degree3 education level | |
ACAD_DEGR1_SNPSHT_DT | Snapshot date to use as the latest snapshot for degree 1 when doing calculations for months and years to degree | |
ACAD_DEGR2_SNPSHT_DT | Snapshot date to use as the latest snapshot for degree 2 when doing calculations for months and years to degree | |
ACAD_DEGR1_SNPSHT_DT | Snapshot date to use as the latest snapshot for degree 3 when doing calculations for months and years to degree | |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_100PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 100%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | 100% is 1 year for Certificate, 2 years for Associates, 4 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_125PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 100%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | 100% is 1 year for Certificate, 2 years for Associates, 4 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_150PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 150%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | 150% is 1.5 year for Certificate, 3 years for Associates, 6 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_175PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 175%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | 175% is 1.75 year for Certificate, 3.5 years for Associates, 7 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_200PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 200%, and the degree was entered in time to be included in the official snapshots (official plus August degrees). | 200% is 2 year for Certificate, 4 years for Associates, 8 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_100PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 100%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | 100% is 1 year for Certificate, 2 years for Associates, 4 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_150PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 150%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | 150% is 1.5 year for Certificate, 3 years for Associates, 6 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_200PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 200%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | 200% is 2 year for Certificate, 4 years for Associates, 8 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_UNOFCL_250PCT_LVL_CD | This value will be 1 (Certificate), 2 (Associates), or 4 (Bachelors) if the degree was received in 250%, and the degree may have been added late and is not in the official snapshot that is counted for official numbers | 250% is 2.5 year for Certificate, 4 years for Associates, 8 years for Bachelors |
ACAD_DEGR_1_INST_CD | Institution where the acad_degr_1_cd was received | |
ACAD_DEGR_2_INST_CD | Institution where the acad_degr_2_cd was received | |
ACAD_DEGR_3_INST_CD | Institution where the acad_degr_3_cd was received | |
TERM_SVIND_HOLD_DESC | Service Indicator Holds | if a student is not enrolled, and the y have a service indicator preventing enrollment in this term, the description is here |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_UNT_NBR | End of Term - term units/hours | The total units the student is still enrolled in at corrected grades, regardless of grade |
STU_EOT_IU_TRM_EARN_UNT_NBR | End of Term - earned term units/hours | The total units the student is still enrolled in at corrected grades, where the grade was A,B,C,D,P,S, but not *X. |
NSC_COLL_NM | National Student Clearinghouse College Name | if the student was enrolled or received a degree in this term, this field contains the college name of the enrollment/degree. |
NSC_COLL_ST_CD | NSC College State | State where the NSC college is located |
NSC_COLL_ORG_TYP_CD | NSC College Org Type | 2 or 4 year college |
NSC_COLL_PUBL_PRIV | NSC Public or Private institution | public or private |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_TTL | NSC Degree Title | If the student received a degree this field contains the degree received |
NSC_DEGR_DRVD_ED_LVL_CD | NSC Derived Degree Education Level | If the student received a degree, this field attempts to assign an IU based education level based on the degree title. |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_DT | NSC Degree Date | If the student received a degree, this field contains the degree date |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_MJR_NM | NSC Degree Major Name | If the student received a degree, this field contains the degree major, if it was uploaded by the college |
NSC_COLL_DEGR_CIP_CD | NSC Degree CIP | If the student received a degree, this field contains the CIP code associated with the degree major, if it was uploaded by the college |
NSC_COLL_ENRL_BEGIN_DT | NSC Enrollment Begin Date | If the student was enrolled this term, this field contains the enrollment begin date |
NSC_COLL_ENRL_END_DT | NSC Enrollment End Date | If the student was enrolled this term, this field contains the enrollment end date |
NSC_COLL_ENRL_STAT | NSC Enrollment Status | If the student was enrolled this term, this field contains the enrollment status (ie, F=full time) |
STU_TRNFR_CUR_STAT_CD | Current Transfer status on term record | If the student was enrolled this term, the current transfer status will be XFR_ENRL. If the student received a degree in the previous term, the current transfer status will be XFR100, XFR125, XFR150 or XFR_OTHER. XFR100 means the degree was received in 100% for the type of degree (ie, 4 years for a bachelors degree). XFR125 is for 125% (ie, 5 years for bachelors degree). XFR150 is 150% (6 years for bachelors degree). XFR_OTHER means some other degree was received. |
STU_TRNFR_CUR_DEGR_LVL_CD | Current Transfer - degree education level | if the current transfer status is one of the degree statuses, this will contain the degree education level (ie, 4=bachelors, 2=associated, 1=certificate, 6+ =masters or higher) |
STU_TRNFR_OVRL_STAT_CD | Overall Transfer status on term record | This status tracks the overall transfer status for a student. It contains the 'best' transfer status. For example, if a student had XFR_ENRL for current status in term 2, the overall status on term 2 will be XFR_ENRL. If they received XFR150 for an associates degree in term 3, the overall status will be XFR150. If they continued and received a bachelors degree at another college, that was in less than 4 years, the overall status would change from XFR150 to XFR100, and this woule be carried forward to future terms. So, this status is carried forward for any transfer statuses. if the new transfer status is 'better' than the old one, the new one will become the new status. |
STU_TRNFR_OVRL_DEGR_LVL_CD | Overall Transfer - degree education level | This field tracks the education level associated with a degree received in the overall transfer status. |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_100PCT_INST_CD | 100% degree Institution | Institution for the degree that was received that met 100% |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_125PCT_INST_CD | 125% degree Institution | Institution for the degree that was received that met 125% |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_150PCT_INST_CD | 150% degree Institution | Institution for the degree that was received that met 150% |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_175PCT_INST_CD | 175% degree Institution | Institution for the degree that was received that met 175% |
ACAD_DEGR_OFCL_200PCT_INST_CD | 200% degree Institution | Institution for the degree that was received that met 200% |
ACAD_PRM_PGM_CD | Primary program for the term | Primary program for the term |
IU_PLAN_ONL_IND | Online Plan Indicator | If any one of the 3 primary plans this term are 100% online or 80-99% online in the term, this column will be Y |
IU_CRS_ONL_IND | Y if the student has taken at least one online course in the term ,includes only instruction mode=OI (online interactive) or OA (100% online all) | |
IU_CRS_DE_IND | Y if the student has taken at least one distance education course in the term | |
INTND_SCH_DESC | Intended School Desc | Contains the students intended school based on the program of study. The intended school is derived from a campus and program. For instance, at Bloomington, a student could be admitted directly to the business school, BUS, or to the University Division business program, UDBU1. Both of these would indicate a students intended school is BUS. |
STU_HSE_TYP_DESC | Housing Type | |
STU_HSE_BLDG_NM | Housing Building | |
STU_HSE_LLC_TYP_NM | Housing LLC Type | |
STU_HSE_LLC_NM | Housing LLC Name | |
STU_HSE_RM_NBR | Housing Room Nbr | |
STU_BOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | Begin of Term Cum GPA | |
STU_EOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | End of Term Cum GPA | |
STU_BOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | Begin of Term Cum Units | |
STU_EOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | End of Term Cum Units | |
STU_BOT_TRM_UNT_NBR | Begin of Term, Term Units | |
STU_EOT_TRM_GPA_NBR | End of Term, Term GPA | |
STU_EOT_TRM_UNT_NBR | End of Term, Term Units | |
STU_EOT_TRM_EARN_UNT_NBR | End of Term, Term Earned Units | |
ACAD_DEGR1_CNFR_DT | Degree 1 confer date | |
ACAD_DEGR2_CNFR_DT | Degree 2 confer date | |
ACAD_DEGR3_CNFR_DT | Degree 3 confer date | |
ACAD_CAREER_ORIG_CD | Contains the original career code, will match acad_career_cd except for PhD students who will have GRAD in the original code and GRDD in the acad_career_cd |
IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST | Population included is anyone who began as a degree seeking student in 4068 or later. There is one row per prsn_univ_Id/acad_career_cd/inst_cd/acad_term_rpt_cd/acad_pgm_cd/acad_plan_cd | |
PRSN_UNIV_ID | University ID | |
ACAD_CAREER_CD | Career Description | **NOTE** starting Sept 2022, GRDD will be a new valid value for career, used to track PhD students. |
INST_CD | Institution | |
INST_DESC | Institution Description | |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_TRM_CD | IPEDS Cohort Term Code | First (fall or spring) term enrolled for the cohort |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD | IPEDS Cohort Code | ie, F10UGB=Fall 2010 Undergrad Beginners |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_DESC | IPEDS Cohort Description | |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TERM_CD | IR Derived Admit Term | Contains the first term a student enrolled in a degree seeking program for a career. |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TYP_CD | IR Derived Admit Type | Contains the admit type for a students first term enrolled in a degree seeking program for a career. The admit type distinguishes between first year beginners, first year external transfers, post-baccalaureate degree seekers, high school students, inter campus transfers, returning students, and visiting students. |
STU_ICT_ADMT_TERM_CD | ICT Admit term | Intercampus transfer admit term |
STU_ICT_ADMT_TYP_CD | ICT Admit Type | Intercampus transfer admit type |
ACAD_PGM_CD | Academic Program | Prior to 4168, this contains the program the record was term activated under. 4168 and later, the program will be any program the student was active in at census. |
ACAD_PGM_DESC | Academic Program Description | |
ACAD_PLAN_CD | Academic Plan | Prior to 4168, this contains the primary plans the record was term activated under. There could be 1, 2 or 3 plans. 4168 and later, the plan will be any plan the student was active in at census. |
ACAD_PLAN_DESC | Academic Plan Description | |
ACAD_PLAN_ONL_IND | Academic Plan Online Indicator | |
ACAD_SUB_PLAN_CD | Academic SubPlan | Prior to 4168, this contains the primary subplans the record was term activated under. There could be 1, 2 or 3 plans. 4168 and later, the subplan will be any subplan the student was active in at census. |
ACAD_SUB_PLAN_DESC | Academic SubPlan Description | |
PGMPLANSB | Concatenated plan and subplan | |
ACAD_PLAN_STRT_TRM_CD | First term enrolled in plan | |
ACAD_PRM_PGM_PLAN_IND | Primary plan indicator | Y/N |
ACAD_TERM_RPT_DESC | Term Description | |
ACAD_INCMNG_STAT_CD | Incoming Status Code | This is equal to ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD if the student is in a cohort at the campus. If not, and they are an ICT student, it will be set to ICUxxxx, where xxxx is the ICT admit term |
TERM_PLAN_SEQ_NBR | Plan Sequence | Sequential number for all records within a prsn_univ_Id/acad_career_cd/inst_cd/acad_pgm_cd/acad_plan_cd |
TERM_PRM_PLAN_SEQ_NBR | Primary Plan Sequence | Sequential number for all primary plans |
TERM_PLAN_STAT_CD | Status for the plan | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, DB=degree (same plan/subplan), DP=Degree(same plan, but subplan could be different), N=no enrollment or degree |
TERM_PLAN_RETND_IND | Retained in the plan? | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term in this plan? | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term in this plan? | 0=no, 1=yes |
TERM_BA_PLAN_RETND_IND | Retained in the plan, which is a BA plan? | 0=no, 1=yes |
CUR_BA_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term in this plan, which is a BA plan? | 0=no, 1=yes |
OVRL_BA_DEGR_RCVD_IND | Degree Received this term or prior term in this plan, which is a BA plan? | 0=no, 1=yes |
ACAD_GRP_CD | Academic Group (school) | |
ACAD_GRP_DESC | Academic Group Description | |
TERM_SEQ_NBR | Term Sequence | Sequential number for the term |
ACAD_DEGR_CD | Degree | |
ACAD_DEGR_DESC | Degree Description | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_CD | Degree Major1 | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_DESC | Degree Major1 Description | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR1_ONL_IND | Degree Major1 Online Indicator | |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR1_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree Major1 Exit School | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_CD | Degree Major2 | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_DESC | Degree Major2 Description | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR2_ONL_IND | Degree Major2 Online Indicator | |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR2_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree Major2 Exit School | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_CD | Degree Major3 | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_DESC | Degree Major3 Description | |
ACAD_DEGR_PLAN_MJR3_ONL_IND | Degree Major3 Online Indicator | |
ACAD_DEGRPLAN_MJR3_EXIT_SCH_CD | Degree Major3 Exit School | |
INTND_SCH_CD | Intended School | |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND | Row Unduplicated Indicator | |
DRVD_PLAN | Derived Plan | Contains common plan name (ie, PREP and Actual Major plans have different plan codes, but the derived plan will contain the same value for both different plans so they can be tracked as one) |
STU_EXCL_IND | Exclusion | XD=student is deceased prior to the census date of the term; XM=student is on military leave prior to census date of the term;D=deceased in the term, but after degree snapshot date; M-military leave in the term, but it was after the degree snapshot; N=no exclusion |
ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM | Derived Expanded Level | |
ACAD_DRVD_LVL_NM | Derived Level | |
STU_USE4_BASE_POP_CALC_NBR | Use this for calculatine base population with exclusions. | 1 if row should be counted, 0 if it should be excluded. |
ACAD_DEGR_ED_LVL_CD | Degree education level | |
TERM_GRP_SEQ_NBR | Group (school) tracking sequence number | Sequential number for all records within a prsn_univ_Id/acad_career_cd/inst_cd/acad_grp_cd, Will only be on records where acad_prm_pgm_plan_ind='Y' |
TERM_GRP_STAT_CD | Group (school) status code | E=enrolled, EN=enrolled non-degree, D=degree (Degrees are recorded in the term AFTER a student receives a degree), N=no enrollment or degree Will only be on records where acad_prm_pgm_plan_ind='Y' |
TERM_GRP_RETND_IND | Group (school) retained indicator | 0=no, 1=yes Will only be on records where acad_prm_pgm_plan_ind='Y' |
IU_PLAN_ONL_IND | Online plan indicator | Indicates if the plan is 100% online, 80-99% oline, 50-79% or not online. |
DRVD_PLAN_DESC | Derived Plan Desc | Contains common plan name (ie, PREP and Actual Major plans have different plan codes, but the derived plan will contain the same value for both different plans so they can be tracked as one) |
INTND_SCH_DESC | Intended School Desc | Contains the students intended school based on the program of study. The intended school is derived from a campus and program. For instance, at Bloomington, a student could be admitted directly to the business school, BUS, or to the University Division business program, UDBU1. Both of these would indicate a students intended school is BUS. |
IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST | Contains a row for the first term a student is enrolled as degree seeking at any campus for any term. The values contained on this table are the values the student had in the first term only | |
PRSN_UNIV_ID | University ID | Uniquely identifies a student or emplyess at IU |
HM_INST_DS_START_TERM_CD | Home Campus Degree Seeking Start Term | Identifies the term that a student begins their degree seeking career at a campus. |
ACAD_CAREER_CD | Career | **NOTE** starting Sept 2022, GRDD will be a new valid value for career, used to track PhD students. |
ACAD_CAREER_DESC | Career Description | |
HM_INST_CD | Home Campus | Campus where a student enrolled first as a degree seeking student |
HM_INST_DESC | Home Campus description | |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_TRM_CD | IPEDS Cohort Term Code | First (fall or spring) term enrolled for the cohort |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD | IPEDS Cohort Code | ie, F10UGB=Fall 2010 Undergrad Beginners |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_DESC | IPEDS Cohort Description | |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TERM_CD | IR Derived Admit Term | Contains the first term a student enrolled in a degree seeking program for a career. |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TYP_CD | IR Derived Admit Type | Contains the admit type for a students first term enrolled in a degree seeking program for a career. The admit type distinguishes between first year beginners, first year external transfers, post-baccalaureate degree seekers, high school students, inter campus transfers, returning students, and visiting students. |
ACAD_PRM_PGM_CD | Primary Program | |
ACAD_GRP_CD | Academic Group | |
INTND_SCH_CD | Intended School | Contains the students intended school based on the program of study. The intended school is derived from a campus and program. For instance, at Bloomington, a student could be admitted directly to the business school, BUS, or to the University Division business program, UDBU1. Both of these would indicate a students intended school is BUS. |
PRSN_DRVD_ETHNIC_IR_RPT_DESC | Derived Ethnicity | |
IR_21ST_CENTURY_SCHOLAR | 21st Century Scholar | Y/N |
IR_FRST_GEN_IND | First Generation | Y/N |
PRSN_OFCL_RES_DESC | Official Residency | |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND | Row Unduplicated Indicator | |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_CD | Admissions Home County Code | |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_NM | Admissions Home County | |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_ST_CD | Admissions Home State | |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_ZIP_CD | Admissions Home Zip Code | |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTRY_CD | Admissions Home Country | |
EXT_ORG_ID | High School Org ID | |
STU_HS_NM | High School Name | |
STU_HS_GRAD_DT | High School Graduation Date | |
STU_DRVD_SAT_COMPOSITE_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | 2016 based scores |
STU_DRVD_SAT_OR_ACT_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | 2016 based scores |
STU_SAT_CALC_COMPOSITE_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | 2016 based scores |
STU_ACT_TO_SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | 2016 based scores |
STU_AGNCY_DRVD_SAT_CMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | 2016 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY_DRVD_SAT_ACT_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | 2016 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY_SAT_CALC_CMPST_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | 2016 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY_ACT_TO_SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | 2016 based scores, agency only |
STU_2017_DRVD_SAT_CMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | 2017 based scores |
STU_2017_DRVD_SRC_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | 2017 based scores |
STU_2017_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | 2017 based scores |
STU_2017_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | 2017 based scores |
STU_AGNCY2017_DRV_SATCMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite (Agency only) | 2017 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY2017_DRVD_SRC_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) (Agency only) | 2017 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY2017_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite (Agency only) | 2017 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY2017_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT (Agency only) | 2017 based scores, agency only |
IR_DRVD_STU_CRR_LOAD_IND | Career Load | F/P |
ACADLVL_BEG_TERM_CD | SIS Level at Begin of Term | |
STU_PELL_ELIG_IND | Pell Recipient in first aid year at any IU campus | For prior years, this only includes disbursed awards. The aid year includes fall, spring, and trailing summer. Also, this flag is populated from DSS_RDS.IR_FA_AWD_DTL_SNPSHT_ST. |
STU_1ST_TRM_ENRL_CD | First Term enrolled ever | |
STU_1ST_TRM_ENRL_STRT_DT | First Term enrolled ever, date | |
IR_DRVD_ADMT_TERM_DT | Admit Term Date | |
APPL_COND_ADMT_IND | Conditional Admit ? | y/n |
PRSN_AGE_NBR | Age | |
ACAD_INCMNG_STAT_CD | Incoming Status Code | This is equal to ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD if the student is in a cohort at the campus. If not, and they are an ICT student, it will be set to ICUxxxx, where xxxx is the ICT admit term |
IR_TCNT_AWD_RCPT_IND | 21st Century Scholarship recipient in first aid year at any IU campus | For prior years, this only includes disbursed awards. The aid year includes fall, spring, and trailing summer. Also, this flag is populated from DSS_RDS.IR_FA_AWD_DTL_SNPSHT_ST. |
STU_1ST_TRM_IU_GPA_NBR | First Term GPA | |
STU_1ST_TRM_IU_UNT_NBR | First Term Units | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_CD | primary plan 1 at first term | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_DESC | primary plan 1 at first term | |
ACAD_PRM_PGM_DESC | Primary program at first term | |
ACAD_GRP_DESC | Academic group/school at first term | |
IR_HS_DPLM_TYP_DESC | High school diploma type | |
ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM | Derived Expanded level at first term | |
STU_HS_CLS_RNK_NBR | High School Class Rank | |
STU_HS_CLS_SZ_NBR | High School Class Size | |
STU_HS_PCTL_NBR | High School Percentile | |
PRSN_OFCL_TUIT_RES_CD | Official Tuition Residency | |
PRSN_OFCL_TUIT_RES_EXCPN_CD | Official Tuition Residency Exception | |
IR_RPT_RES_DESC | Reporting Residency | |
IR_ACAD_HONORS_DIPLOMA | Academic Honors Diploma | |
IR_CORE_40_DIPLOMA | Core 40 Diploma | |
APPL_ADMIT_DT | Application Admit Date | |
PRSN_VET_1ST_TRM_IND | Veteran 1st Term? | Was this student flagged as a veteran in their first term at IU |
PRSN_VET_FMLY_1ST_TRM_IND | Veteran Family 1st Term? | Was this student flagged as a member of a veteran family in their first term at IU |
PRSN_GI_BILL_1ST_TRM_IND | GI Bill 1st Term? | Was this student flagged as a GI Bill student in their first term at IU |
PRSN_GI_VET_1ST_TRM_IND | GI Veteran 1st Term? | Was this student flagged as a GI veteran in their first term at IU |
PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_1ST_TRM_IND | GI Veteran Family 1st Term? | Was this student flagged as a member of a GI veteran family in their first term at IU |
PRSN_VET_ANY_TRM_IND | Veteran Any Term? | Was this student flagged as a veteran in any term at IU |
PRSN_VET_FMLY_ANY_TRM_IND | Veteran Family Any Term? | Was this student flagged as a member of a veteran family in any term at IU |
PRSN_GI_BILL_ANY_TRM_IND | GI Bill Any Term? | Was this student flagged as a GI Bill student in any term at IU |
PRSN_GI_VET_ANY_TRM_IND | GI Veteran Any Term? | Was this student flagged as a GI veteran in any term at IU |
PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_ANY_TRM_IND | GI Veteran Family Any Term? | Was this student flagged as a member of a GI veteran family in any term at IU |
BURSAR_HSE_CHRG_EVER_IND | Bursar Housing Charge ever? | Has this student ever received a bursar charge for housing, ie did they ever live on campus? |
STU_GEN_ED_CORE_SRC_CD | General Education Core Source Code | Identifies if student has completed the gen ed core requirement. Values are IU=completed at IU, XFR=completed at another institution, NR=not required, INC=incomplete |
STU_GEN_ED_CORE_INST_NM | General Education Core Source Institution | Institution name where the gen ed core was completed |
STU_HS_IU_GPA_FLAG | IU High School GPA Flag | Indicates if the students record has a campus HS GPA flag |
STU_2019_DRVD_SAT_CMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite | 2019 based scores |
STU_2019_DRVD_SRC_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) | 2019 based scores |
STU_2019_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite | 2019 based scores |
STU_2019_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT | 2019 based scores |
STU_AGNCY2019_DRV_SATCMPST_NBR | Derived SAT Composite (Agency only) | 2019 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY2019_DRVD_SRC_CNV_IND | Derived SAT Source (SAT or ACT) (Agency only) | 2019 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY2019_SAT_CALC_NBR | SAT Calculated Composite (Agency only) | 2019 based scores, agency only |
STU_AGNCY2019_ACT2SAT_MAX_NBR | ACT converted to SAT (Agency only) | 2019 based scores, agency only |
IR_DRVD_STU_CRR_LOAD_EOT_IND | Derived Courseload EOT | Derived courseload at the end of the term |
STU_FORMER_DCR_IND | Former DCR Ind | Indicates if the student had prior dual credit coursework |
STU_FORMER_ACP_IND | Former ACP Ind | Indicates if the student had prior ACP coursework |
IU_PLAN_ONL_EVER_IND | Online Plan Ever | Indicates if the student was ever enrolled in an online plan (that was 100% online, of 80-99% online) |
IU_CRS_ONL_EVER_IND | Online Course Ever | Indicates if the student was ever enrolled in an online course (limited to class instruction modes OI and OA) |
IU_CRS_DE_EVER_IND | Distance Education Course Ever | Indicates if the student was ever enrolled in a distance education course |
INTND_SCH_DESC | Intended School Desc | Contains the students intended school based on the program of study. The intended school is derived from a campus and program. For instance, at Bloomington, a student could be admitted directly to the business school, BUS, or to the University Division business program, UDBU1. Both of these would indicate a students intended school is BUS. |
FRST_TRM_ONL_PLAN_IND | First Term Plan Online Ind | Indicates if the student was enrolled in an online plan (that was 100% online, of 80-99% online) in their first term. |
STU_TST_OPTN_VAL | Test Optional Value | TOUT if the student decided to opt out of having their test scores used in the admissions process |
STU_DRVD_SAT_ERWS_SOURCE | Derived ERWS Source | SAT2017 if score is an ERWS score, SAT2016 if it was derived from a pre-2017 VE score |
STU_DRVD_SAT_MSS_SCR_NBR | Derived MSS Score | |
STU_DRVD_SAT_MSS_SOURCE | Derived MSS Source | SAT2017 if score is an MSS score, SAT2016 if it was derived from a pre-2017 MS score |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_WHT_IND | Ethnic Detail White Ind | Ethnicity - White Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_BLK_IND | Ethnic Detail African American Ind | Ethnicity - African American Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_HISP_IND | Ethnic Detail Hispanic Ind | Ethnicity - Hispanic Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_ASN_IND | Ethnic Detail Asian Ind | Ethnicity - Asian Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_AMIN_IND | Ethnic Detail American Indian Ind | Ethnicity - American Indian Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_NONE_IND | Ethnic Detail None Selected Ind | Ethnicity - None Selected Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_DTL_PCFC_ISLDR_IND | Ethnic Detail Pacific Islander Ind | Ethnicity - Pacific Islander Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_VLDTD_IND | Ethnic Detail Validated Ind | Ethnicity - Validated Indicator - Y/N. |
PRSN_ETHNIC_HISP_IND | Hispanic Ind | Indicates the answer to the first question "Are you Hispanic or Latino?" - Y//N. |
STU_1ST_TRM_MIN_CLS_SZ_NBR | First Term Minimum Class Size | |
STU_1ST_TRM_MAX_CLS_SZ_NBR | First Term Maximum Class Size | |
STU_1ST_TRM_MED_CLS_SZ_NBR | First Term Median Class Size | |
STU_1ST_CERT_TERM_CD | First Certified out of UDIV/UCOL/SIT Term | |
STU_1ST_CERT_TERM_GRP_CD | First Certified out of UDIV/UCOL Group/School Cd | |
STU_1ST_TRM_A_GRD_CNT | Number of A grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_B_GRD_CNT | Number of B grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_C_GRD_CNT | Number of C grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_D_GRD_CNT | Number of D grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_F_GRD_CNT | Number of F grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_P_GRD_CNT | Number of P grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_S_GRD_CNT | Number of S grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_W_GRD_CNT | Number of W grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_I_GRD_CNT | Number of I grades in First Term | |
STU_1ST_TRM_OTHER_GRD_CNT | Number of Other grades in First Term | Number of grades other than A,B,C,D,F,P,S in first term |
STU_ACP_HRS | ACP Hours | Total ACP hours taken at an IU campus prior to high school graduation |
STU_NON_ACP_DCR_HRS | Non-ACP Dual Credit ACP hours | Total Dual Credit hours that are not ACP taken at an IU campus prior to high school graduation |
STU_AP_TST_HRS | AP Test Hours | Total Hours earned from AP Tests |
STU_OTHER_TST_HRS | Other Test Hours | Total Hours earned from non-AP Tests |
STU_XFR_DCR_HRS | Transfer Dual Credit Hours | Total hours earned by a non-IU institution before high school graduation and transferred to IU |
STU_OTHER_XFR_HRS | Other Transfer Hours | Other special credit transferred to IU |
STU_OTHER_IU_HS_HRS | Other IU High School Hours | Any non dual credit hours taken at IU as a high school student |
STU_1ST_TRM_BOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | Begin of First Term, Cumulative GPA | |
STU_1ST_TRM_BOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | Begin of First Term, Cumulative Units | |
STU_1ST_TRM_EOT_CUM_GPA_NBR | End of First Term, Cumulative GPA | |
STU_1ST_TRM_EOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | End of First Term, Cumulative Units | |
STU_1ST_TRM_GPA_NBR | End of First Term, Term GPA | |
ACAD_CAREER_ORIG_CD | Contains the original career code, will match acad_career_cd except for PhD students who will have GRAD in the original code and GRDD in the acad_career_cd | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_IU_FIN_COA_CD | Primary Plan 1 Chart of Accounts Code | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_IU_ORG_CD | Primary Plan 1 Financial Org Code | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_IU_ORG_NM | Primary Plan 1 Financial Org Name | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_IU_RC_CD | Primary Plan 1 Responsibility Code | |
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_IU_RC_NM | Primary Plan 1 Responsibility Name |
this table will snapshot death and military exclusions from the previous term, on the same day the degree snapshots run |
date the row was aded to the snapshot |
Univ ID |
XD=death exclusion, XM=military exclusion |
death date |
military withdrawal term |
inst for military withdrawal |
career for military withdrawal |
IR_RETN_INTND_SCH_T | mapping from program to intended school |
IR_RETN_PLAN_PRP_2_MJR_T | Initially this table was to contain PREP plans and the MAJOR plans they map to. It has now expanded to map plans that should be tracked as the same plan, ie, when a major moves from one school to another and gets a new name |
wf_IR_RETENTION_1 | builds all of the MT tables used in other workflows | |
wf_IR_RETENTION_4*** | one workflow for each term beginning 4068 | |
s_IR_RETENTION_PARM_T_4068 | updateterm parameter | |
s_incr_IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST | build parent table IR_RETN_HM_INST_ST for the term | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_ST_1_HM_INST | load records for the term retained at home campus for the term | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_ST_2_OTHR_INST | load records for the term retained at another IU campus | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_ST_3_NOT_RETND | load records not retained at IU for the term | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_ST_4_FOR_POST_SQL | First post sql for IR_RETENTION_ST - updates/cleans up the following columns: | |
term_inst_seq_nbr | ||
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST_1 | load pgm stk plan 1 | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST_2 | load pgm stk plan 2 | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST_3 | load pgm stk plan 3 | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST_4 | check on pgm stk table instead of plan 1,2,3 | |
s_incr_IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST_5_post_sql | post sql for IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST, updates: | |
m_incr_IR_RETENTION__post_sql | more post sql updates (not enough room in the post sql editor above, so had to split it into multiple sessions) | |
these are updated on IR_RETENTION_ST: | ||
s_IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST_6_post_sql | updates to both IR_RETENTION_ST and IR_RETENTION_PGM_STK_ST | |
stu_excl_ind | ||
term_grp_stat_cd | ||
stu_excl_ind (some hard coded univ_ids) | ||