Detailed Information Regarding IUIE to Peoplesoft Term History Field Mapping
Unique Bucket Number | PS TABLE | PS COLUMN | IUIE Label Name | IUIE Technical Name | CUM or TERM Stats? | PROGRAM or IU Stats? | Bucket Type | Proposed Label Name | Notes |
1 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_INPROG_GPA | Units In-Progress For GPA | STU_UNT_INPRGRSS_GPA_NBR | T | PR | INP | Any units the student has that are in progress and are being taken for a letter grade. "In Progress" classes include classes that have no grade as well as classes that have an In Progress grade (I, N or N-). | |
2 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_INPROG_NOGPA | Units In-Progress Not For GPA | STU_UNT_INPRGRSS_NOT_GPA_NBR | T | PR | INP | Any units the student has that are in progress and are being taken for a non-GPA grade, which is a grade that counts as a final grade, but does not factor into the student's GPA. "In Progress" classes include classes that have no grade as well as classes that have an In Progress grade (Incomplete). | |
3 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | INP | Total Units In-Progress | Is the sum of 1 and 2. |
4 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TAKEN_GPA | Units Taken For GPA | STU_UNT_TKN_FOR_GPA_NBR | T | PR | TKN | Any units the student has taken for a letter grade and has received a grade, whether it is a passing grade or not. This value should be the same as 20. | |
5 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TAKEN_NOGPA | Units Taken Not For GPA | STU_UNT_TKN_NOT_FOR_GPA_NBR | T | PR | TKN | Any units the student has taken for a non-GPA grade and has received a grade, whether it is a passing grade or not. | |
6 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS | Derived Total Term Units | STU_DRVD_TOT_TERM_UNT_NBR | T | PR | INP | The logic for this field recently changed from being a simple sum of the Units In Progress (for GPA and not for GPA) fields, to simply pointing to the units taken for progress field. While this is redundant, there are plans to use this field for another purpose. It will be used to extract special credit on terms prior to 4048, which were lumped into the units taken fields in conversion. | |
6 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS | Units Taken For Progress | STU_UNT_TKN_FOR_PRGRSS_NBR | T | PR | TKN | Units taken 'For Progress.' This is the sum of 1,2,4 and 5 | |
7 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | TKN | Total Units Taken | Total units taken - the sum of 4 and 5. There does not appear to be a field in PS that corresponds directly to this bucket, but the value is displayed on the Term stats page. |
8 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_AUDIT | Units Audited | STU_UNT_AUD_NBR | T | PR | AUD | Any units the student has audited. These units do not count in the student's total units passed. | |
9 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_PASSD_GPA | Units Passed For GPA | STU_UNT_PASSED_FOR_GPA_NBR | T | PR | PSD | Any units the student has taken for a letter grade and has received a passing grade. | |
10 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_PASSD_NOGPA | Units Passed Not For GPA | STU_UNT_PASSED_NOT_FOR_GPA_NBR | T | PR | PSD | Any units the student has taken for a non-GPA grade and has received a passing grade. | |
11 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_PASSD_PRGRSS | Units Passed for Progress | STU_UNT_PASS_FORPRG_NBR | T | PR | PSD | Units passed 'For Progress.' This is the sum of 9 and 10, and should hold the same value as 12. | |
12 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | PSD | Total Units Passed | Total units passed - the sum of 9 and 10, and should hold the same value as 11. There is not a field in PS that corresponds directly to this bucket, whereas there is for bucket 11, which should always have the same value. |
13 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TRF_PASSED_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | TRN | Transfer Credit for GPA | Filled if the "Include in GPA" check box is checked. |
14 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TRF_PASSED_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | TRN | Transfer Credit Not For GPA | Filled if the "Include in GPA" check box is checked. |
15 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TC_UNITS_ADJUST | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | TRN | Transfer Credit Adjusted | Not 100% sure, but should never have any data in it (in PS). (EM) |
16 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TRNSFR | Units Transferred | STU_UNT_TRNFR_NBR | T | PR | TRN | ||
17 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TEST_CREDIT | Test Credit | STU_UNT_FROM_TST_CRDT_NBR | T | PR | CTO | Test Credit | |
18 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_OTHER | Other Credit | STU_UNT_FROM_OTHR_CRDT_NBR | T | PR | CTO | Other Credit | As of 3/1/05, there were no records with a value greater than zero in this field, so it is impossible to verify |
19 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | PR | GPA | Grade Points | Grade Points received - this is the first factor in a student's GPA. This number is calculated by taking the number of grade points received for a grade (on a 4-point scale, A=4 points) and multiplying that number by the number of units for which the student took the class. That is, if a student gets an A grade in a 3 unit class and A = 4 points, they get 12 grade points for the class. |
20 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TAKEN_GPA | Units Taken For GPA | STU_UNT_TKN_FOR_GPA_NBR | T | PR | GPA | Any units the student has taken for a letter grade and has received a grade, whether it is a passing grade or not. This value should be the same as 4. | |
21 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | CUR_GPA | Current (Term) GPA | STU_CUR_GPA_NBR | T | PR | GPA | Term Program (delivered) GPA. This is 19 divided by 20. | |
22 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_INPROG_GPA | Cumulative Units In-Progress For GPA | STU_TOT_UNT_INPRG_FOR_GPA_NBR | C | PR | INP | All units the student has that are in progress and are being taken for a letter grade. "In Progress" classes include classes that have no grade as well as classes that have an In Progress grad (I, N or N-). | |
23 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_INPROG_NOGPA | Cumulative Units In-Progress Not For GPA | STU_TOTUNT_INPR_NOTFOR_GPA_NBR | C | PR | INP | All units the student has that are in progress and are being taken for a non-GPA grade, which is a grade that counts as a final grade, but does not factor into the student's GPA. "In Progress" classes include classes that have no grade as well as classes that have an In Progress grad (Incomplete). | |
24 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | INP | Total Cumulative Units In-Progress | This would be the sum of 22 and 23. This field does not exist in PS, but it is displayed on the Term History (Cumulative Statistics) page. |
25 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_TAKEN_GPA | Cumulative Units Taken For GPA | STU_TOT_UNT_TKN_FOR_GPA_NBR | C | PR | TKN | All units the student has taken for a letter grade and has received a grade, whether it is a passing grade or not. This value should be the same as 41. | |
26 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_TAKEN_NOGPA | Total Cumulative Units Taken Not For GPA | STU_TUNT_TKN_NOTGPA_NBR | C | PR | TKN | ||
27 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_TAKEN_PRGRSS | Total Cumulative Units Taken for Progress | STU_TUNT_TKN_FORPRG_NBR | C | PR | TKN | Cumulative units taken 'For Progress'. This is the sum of 22,23,25 and 26. | |
28 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | TKN | Total Cumulative Units Taken | Total Units Taken - the sum of 25 and 26. This field does not appear to exist in PS, but it is displayed on the PS Cumulative Statistics page. |
29 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_AUDIT | Total Cumulative Units Audited | STU_TOT_AUD_NBR | C | PR | AUD | This is the sum of 8 - all the units audited. | |
30 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_PASSD_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | PSD | Cumulative Units Passed For GPA | All units the student has taken for a letter grade and has received a passing grade. |
31 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_PASSD_NOGPA | Total Cumulative Units Passed Not For GPA | STU_TUNT_PASS_NOTGPA_NBR | C | PR | PSD | All units the student has taken for a non-GPA grade and has received a passing grade. | |
32 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_PASSD_PRGRSS | Total Cumulative Units Passed for Progress | STU_TUNT_PASS_FORPRG_NBR | C | PR | PSD | Units passed 'For Progress.' This is the sum of 30 and 31, and should hold the same value as 33. | |
33 | NA | NA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | PSD | Total Cumulative Units Passed | Units passed 'For Progress.' This is the sum of 30 and 31, and should hold the same value as 32. There is not a field in PS that corresponds directly to this bucket, whereas there is for bucket 32, which should always have the same value. |
34 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | ? | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | TRN | Cumulative Transfer Credit for GPA | Accumulated on the page IF the "Include in GPA" is checked . |
35 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | ? | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | TRN | Cumulative Transfer Credit Not For GPA | Accumulated on the page IF the "Include in GPA" is checked . |
36 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | ? | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | TRN | Cumulative Transfer Credit Adjusted | |
37 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_TRNSFR | Total Cumulative External Transfer Units | STU_TOT_TRNFR_NBR | C | PR | CTO | Only External Credit gets accumulated here (not if it is in the Transfer GPA buckets). | |
38 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_TEST_CREDIT | Total Cumulative Test Credit | STU_TOT_TST_CRDT_NBR | C | PR | CTO | ||
39 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_OTHER | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | PR | CTO | Cumulative Other Credit | As of 3/1/05, there were no records with a value greater than zero in this field, so it is impossible to verify |
40 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_GRADE_POINTS | Cumulative Grade Points | STU_TOT_GRD_PTS_NBR | C | PR | GPA | ||
41 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_TAKEN_GPA | Cumulative Units Taken For GPA | STU_TOT_UNT_TKN_FOR_GPA_NBR | C | PR | GPA | All units the student has taken for a letter grade and has received a grade, whether it is a passing grade or not. This value should be the same as 25. | |
42 | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | CUM_GPA | Cumulative GPA | STU_CUM_GPA_NBR | C | PR | GPA | ||
NA | NA | NA | Projected Beginning of Term Level | ACAD_PRJ_BOT_LVL_CD | C | Both | This is the academic level code from ODS_PSE.PS_ACAD_LEVEL_TBL based on ACAD_PROJ_BEG_TERM_HRS and the student's term activation primary program code. | ||
NA | NA | NA | Projected Beginning of Term Level Desc | ACAD_PRJ_BOT_LVL_DESC | C | Both | This is the description for ACAD_PROJ_BOT_LVL_CD from the PS XLATTABLE where FIELDNAME = 'ACADEMIC_LEVEL' | ||
NA | NA | NA | Projected Begin of Term Hours | ACAD_PROJ_BEG_TERM_HRS | C | Both | GREATEST(NVL(a.STU_TOT_CUM_UNT_NBR,0),NVL(a.STU_IUGPA_TOT_CUM_UNT_NBR,0)) -- Total passed units including transfer/test/other credits + GREATEST(NVL(a.STU_TOT_UNT_INPRG_FOR_GPA_NBR,0),NVL(a.STU_IUGPA_TUNT_INPRG_GPA_NBR,0)) -- PLUS Total in-progress units for GPA + GREATEST(NVL(a.STU_TOTUNT_INPR_NOTFOR_GPA_NBR,0),NVL(a.STU_IUGPA_TUNT_INPRG_NTGPA_NBR,0)) -- PLUS Total in-progress units not-for-GPA - GREATEST(NVL(a.STU_UNT_INPRGRSS_GPA_NBR,0),NVL(a.STU_IUGPA_UNT_INPRG_GPA_NBR,0)) -- MINUS Term in-progress units for GPA - GREATEST(NVL(a.STU_UNT_INPRGRSS_NOT_GPA_NBR,0),NVL(a.STU_IUGPA_UNT_INPRG_NOTGPA_NBR,0)) -- MINUS Term in-progress units not-for-GPA (NOTE: This is only used for future terms for reporting.) | ||
NA | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS + UNT_AUDIT | Derived Total Term Units, including audit | STU_DRVD_TOT_TERM_UNT_WAUD_NBR | T | PR | ZZZ | This is the sum of 1, 2 and 8. There is no corresponding bucket on the Term History pages. | |
NA | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | TOT_CUMULATIVE | Total Cumulative Units | STU_TOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | C | PR | ZZZ | This field is the sum of 30, 31, 37, 38 and (probably) 39. It is impossible to know for sure at this time whether 39 is included in the value of this field or not because as of 3/2/05, there were no records where tot_other from ps_stdnt_car_term was > '0'. There is no corresponding bucket with this value in the Term History pages. | |
NA | PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | UNT_TERM_TOT | Total Term Units | STU_TOT_TERM_UNT_NBR | T | PR | ZZZ | This field is the sum of 9, 10, 16,17, and 18. There is no bucket on the Term Stats page in PS that corresponds to this field. Note: As of 3/1/05, there were no records where the STU_UNT_FROM_OTHR_CRDT_NBR values were greater than zero, so it has not been possible to verify whether this field figures into the value of stu_tot_term_unt_nbr or not. |
IUGPA columns (or second gpa, as these are also known), were retired from SIS in January 2023. They are no longer available in daily tables, ie, SR_STU_TERM_GT, but the historical rows in snapshot tables like IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT preserved the columns and values in the historical rows. Snapshot rows added since January 2023 have null in the IUGPA columns.
Unique Bucket Number | PS TABLE | PS COLUMN | IUIE Label Name | IUIE Technical Name | CUM or TERM Stats? | PROGRAM or IU Stats? | Bucket Type | Proposed Label Name | Notes |
43 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_INPROG_GPA | IU Units In-Progress for GPA | STU_IUGPA_UNT_INPRG_GPA_NBR | T | IU | INP | Any units the student has that are in progress and are being taken for a letter grade. "In Progress" classes include classes that have no grade as well as classes that have an In Progress grad (I, N or N-). IU GPA SPECIFCATION ==> IF Units-attempted on the enrollment record is I (in progress) AND grade-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, GUT,OR ADS or NOG AND there is no grade, add unt-taken on the enrollment record to UNT-INPROG-GPA. | |
44 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_INPROG_NOGPA | IU Units In-Progress Not For GPA | STU_IUGPA_UNT_INPRG_NOTGPA_NBR | T | IU | INP | Any units the student has that are in progress and are being taken for a non-GPA grade, which is a grade that counts as a final grade, but does not factor into the student's GPA. "In Progress" classes include classes that have no grade as well as classes that have an In Progress grade (Incomplete). IU GPA SPECIFCATION ==> IF units-attempted on enrollment record is I (in progress) AND grade-basis on the enrollment record is: SF or SF2 AND crse-grade-off is blank, add unt-taken on the enrollment record to UNT-INPROG-NOGPA. | |
45 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_TOT_INPROG | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | INP | IU Total Units In-Progress | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> unt_inprog_gpa (43) + unt_inprog_nogpa (44). |
46 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TAKEN_GPA | IU Units Completed For GPA | STU_IUGPA_UNT_TKN_GPA_NBR | T | IU | TKN | This value should be the same as 92. IU GPA SPECIFCATION ==> IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse-grade-off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, D-, F, FN or WF, then add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-GPA. IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is SF or SF2 AND crse-grade-off =F or FN, then add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_TAKEN_GPA. | |
47 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TAKEN_NOGPA | IU Units Completed Not For GPA | STU_IUGPA_UNT_TKN_NOTGPA_NBR | T | IU | TKN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF units-attempted on the enrollment record is I (in progress) AND grading basis is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, ADS, GUT, SF, SF2 or NR AND crse-grade-off is R or I or NR, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-NOGPA. ELSE IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS, GUT or NR AND crse_grade_off = P, S, R or I or NR, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-NOGPA; IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is CN1 or CN2 AND crse_grade_off = A+X,AX,A-X,B+X,BX,B-X,C+X,CX,C-X,D+X,DX,D-X,FX, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-NOGPA; IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is EX1, EX2, FG1 or FG2, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-NOGPA; IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is SF or SF2 AND crse_grade_off = S, P, FX, FNX, R or I or NR, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_TAKEN_NOGPA. | |
48 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS | IU Total Units Completed | STU_IUGPA_UNT_TKN_FORPRG_NBR | T | IU | TKN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF units-attempted on enrollment record is I (in progress) AND grading-basis is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, ADS, GUT, SF, SF2 or NR AND crse-grade-off = R or I or NR, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-PRGRSS. ELSE IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse-grade-off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, D-, F, FN, WF, S, P, R, I, or NR, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-PRGRSS; IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is CN1 or CN2 AND crse_grade_off = A+X,AX,A-X,B+X,BX,B-X,C+X,CX,C-X,D+X,DX,D-X,FX, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-PRGRSS; IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is EX1, EX2, FG1 or FG2, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-TAKEN-PRGRSS; IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is SF or SF2 AND crse-grade-off = S, P, F, FN, FX, FNX, WF, R, I or NR, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS. | |
49 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_TAKEN_GPA | IU Cumulative Units Completed For GPA | STU_IUGPA_TOT_UNT_TKN_GPA_NBR | C | IU | TKN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_taken_gpa (46). | |
50 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_TAKEN_NOGPA | IU Cumulative Units Completed Not For GPA | STU_IUGPA_TUNT_TKN_NOTGPA_NBR | C | IU | TKN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_taken_nogpa (47). | |
51 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_TAKEN_PRGRSS | IU Total Cumulative Units Completed | STU_IUGPA_TUNT_TKN_FORPRG_NBR | C | IU | TKN | This value represents the sum of 49 and 50. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_taken_prgrss (48). | |
52 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_PASSD_GPA | IU Units Passed For GPA | STU_IUGPA_UNT_PASS_GPA_NBR | T | IU | PSD | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse_grade_off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, D-, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-PASSD-GPA. | |
53 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_PASSD_NOGPA | IU Units Passed Not For GPA | STU_IUGPA_UNT_PASS_NOTGPA_NBR | T | IU | PSD | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following:GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse-grade-off = P or S, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-PASSD-NOGPA. IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is SF or SF2 AND crse-grade-off = S or P, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_PASSD_NOGPA. | |
54 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_PASSD_PRGRSS | IU Total Units Passed | STU_IUGPA_UNT_PASS_FORPRG_NBR | T | IU | PSD | This value represents the sum of 52 and 53. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse-grade-off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, D-, S or P, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT-PASSD_PRGRSS. IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is: SF or SF2 AND crse-grade-off = S or P, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_PASSD_PRGRSS. | |
55 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_PASSD_GPA | IU Cumulative Units Passed For GPA | STU_IUGPA_TOT_UNT_PASS_GPA_NBR | C | IU | PSD | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_passd_gpa (52). | |
56 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_PASSD_NOGPA | IU Cumulative Units Passed Not For GPA | STU_IUGPA_TUNT_PASS_NOTGPA_NBR | C | IU | PSD | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_passd_nogpa (53). | |
57 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_PASSD_PRGRSS | IU Total Cumulative Units Passed | STU_IUGPA_TUNT_PASS_FORPRG_NBR | C | IU | PSD | This value represents the sum of 55 and 56. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_passd_prgrss (54). | |
58 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_NO_PASS_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | FLD | IU Units Failed For GPA | This value is the same as 59. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is on of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse_grade_off = F or FN or WF, THEN add unt-taken on the enrollment record to IU-UNT-NO-PASS-GPA. IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is SF or SF2 AND crse_grade_off = F or FN or WF, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_NO_PASS_GPA. |
59 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_NO_PASS_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | FLD | IU Total Units Failed | This value is the same as 58. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the enrollment record is on of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, WDR, ADS or GUT AND crse_grade_off = F or FN or WF, THEN add unt-taken on the enrollment record to IU-UNT-NO-PASS-GPA. IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is SF or SF2 AND crse_grade_off = F or FN or WF, THEN add unt-taken on enrollment record to UNT_NO_PASS_GPA. |
60 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TOT_NO_PASS_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | FLD | IU Total Cumulative Units Failed | This value should be the same as 61. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_no_pass_gpa (58 or 59). |
61 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TOT_NO_PASS_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | FLD | IU Total Cumulative Units Failed | This value should be the same as 60. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_no_pass_gpa (58 or 59). |
62 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UT_ITRN_P_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | TRN | IU Internal Transfer Units Passed For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the transfer record is PTI AND crse-grade-off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, D-, add unt_trnsfr on the transfer recond to IU_UT_ITRN_P_GPA. |
63 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UT_ITRN_P_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | TRN | IU Internal Transfer Units Passed Not For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the transfer record is PTI AND crse-grade-off = S or P, add unt_trnsfr on the transfer recond to IU_UT_ITRN_P_NOGPA. |
64 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_ITRNSFR | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | TRN | IU Total Internal Transfer Units Passed | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of IU_UT_ITRN_P_GPA (62) + IU_UT_ITRN_P_NOGPA (63). |
65 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TT_ITRN_P_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | TRN | IU Cumulative Internal Transfer Units Passed For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of IU_UT_ITRN_P_GPA (62). |
66 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TT_ITRN_P_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | TRN | IU Cumulative Internal Transfer Units Passed Not For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of IU_UT_ITRN_P_NOGPA (63). |
67 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TOT_ITRNSFR | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | TRN | IU Total Cumulative Internal Transfer Units Passed | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of IU_UNT_ITRNSFR (64). |
68 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UT_ITRN_F_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | TRN | IU Internal Transfer Units Failed For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the transfer record is PTI AND crse-grade-off = F or FN or WF, add unt_trnsfr on the transfer recond to IU_UT_ITRN_F_GPA. |
69 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UT_ITRN_X_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | TRN | IU Internal Transfer Units Failed Not For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the transfer record is PTX OR PTI AND Crse-grade-off like '%X' (ie, course has been Xed... FX, D-X, DX, etc), add unt_trnsfr on the transfer record to IU_UT_ITRN_X_NOGPA. |
70 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TT_ITRN_F_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | TRN | IU Cumulative Internal Transfer Units Failed For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of IU_UT_ITRN_F_GPA (68). |
71 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TT_ITRN_X_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | C | IU | TRN | IU Cumulative Internal Transfer Units Failed Not For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of IU_UT_ITRN_X_NOGPA (69). |
72 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TRNSFR | IU External Transfer Units | STU_IUGPA_UNT_TRNFR_NBR | T | IU | TRN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the transfer record is PET, TRN, IF earn_credit = 'Y' on grade_table OR IF grade-basis on the transfer record is TRP, IF earn_credit = 'Y' on grade_table IF crse-grade-off is not one of the following: TC-, TD+, TD, or TD-. | |
73 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TRNSFR | IU External Transfer Units | STU_IUGPA_UNT_TRNFR_NBR | T | IU | TRN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the transfer record is PET, TRN, IF earn_credit = 'Y' on grade_table OR IF grade-basis on the transfer record is TRP, IF earn_credit = 'Y' on grade_table IF crse-grade-off is not one of the following: TC-, TD+, TD, or TD-. | |
74 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_TRNSFR | IU Cumulative External Transfer Units | STU_IUGPA_TOT_TRNFR_NBR | C | IU | TRN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_trnsfr (72). It is likely that while buckets 74 and 75 have equal values, only one of them has a corresponding PS field. | |
75 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_TRNSFR | IU Cumulative External Transfer Units | STU_IUGPA_TOT_TRNFR_NBR | C | IU | TRN | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_trnsfr (72). It is likely that while buckets 74 and 75 have equal values, only one of them has a corresponding PS field. | |
76 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_TEST_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | CTO | IU Test Credit For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> unt_trnsfr of trns_test_dtl where grade_basis = 'SPC' and grade = 'A'. |
77 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_TEST_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | CTO | IU Test Credit Not For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> unt_trnsfr of trns_test_dtl where grade_basis = 'SPC' and grade = 'S' OR unt_trnsfr of trns_test_dtl where grading_basis = 'TRN' and grade = 'T'. |
78 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TEST_CREDIT | IU Total Test Credit | STU_IUGPA_UNT_FRM_TST_CRDT_NBR | T | IU | CTO | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> iu_unt_test_gpa (76) + iu_unt_test_nogpa (77). | |
81 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_TEST_CREDIT | IU Total Cumulative Test Credit | STU_IUGPA_TOT_TST_CRDT_NBR | C | IU | CTO | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_test_credit (78). | |
82 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_OTHER_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | CTO | IU Other Credit For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the other record is 'SPC' AND crse-grade-off <> 'S', add unt_trnsfr on the other record to IU_UNT_OTHER_GPA. As of 3/1/05, there were no records with a value greater than zero in this field, so it is impossible to verify. |
83 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UNT_OTHER_NOGPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | CTO | IU Other Credit Not For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> IF grade-basis on the other record is 'SPC' AND crse-grade-off = S, add unt_trnsfr on the other record to IU_UNT_OTHER_NOGPA. As of 3/1/05, there were no records with a value greater than zero in this field, so it is impossible to verify. |
88 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_TERM_TOT | IU Total Units Earned | STU_IUGPA_TOT_TRM_UNT_NBR | T | IU | EAR | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> UNT_PASSD_PRGRSS [sum of unt_passd_gpa (52) and unt_passd_nogpa (53)] + UNT_TRNSFR (73) + IU_UNT_ITRNSFR (64) + UNT_TEST_CREDIT [sum of iu_unt_test_gpa (76) and iu_unt_test_nogpa(77)] + UNT_OTHER [sum of iu_unt_other_gpa (82) and iu_unt_other_nogpa(83)]. | |
89 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_CUMULATIVE | IU Total Cumulative Units Earned | STU_IUGPA_TOT_CUM_UNT_NBR | C | IU | EAR | Sum of 88. IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_term_tot (88). | |
90 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | UNT_AUDIT | IU Units Audited | STU_IUGPA_UNT_AUD_NBR | T | IU | AUD | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_taken where audit_grade_basis flag = 'Y' on the enrollment record. | |
91 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_AUDIT | IU Cumulative Units Audited | STU_IUGPA_TOT_AUD_NBR | C | IU | AUD | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_audit (90). | |
92 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_UT_TAKEN_GPA | NOT IN IUIE | NOT IN IUIE | T | IU | GPA | IU Units Completed For GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> unt_passd_gpa (52) + iu_unt_no_pass_gpa (59) + iu_ut_itrn_p_gpa (62) + iu_ut_itrn_f_gpa (68) + iu_unt_test_gpa (76) + iu_unt_other_gpa (82). |
94 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | GRADE_POINTS | IU Grade Points | STU_IUGPA_GRD_PTS_NBR | T | IU | GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> (IF grading-basis on the enrollment record is one of the following: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, CN1, CN2, OVS, PTI, NC, ADS OR GUT AND crse_grade_off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, or D-) OR (grading_basis = 'SPC' on the test record AND grade = A) OR (grading basis = 'PTI' on the transfer record AND crse_grade_off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, or D-) OR (grading_basis = 'SPC' on the other record and grade = A AND crse_grade_off = A+, A, A-,B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-,D+, D, or D-), add (unt-taken * grd_pts_per_unt) to GRADE-POINTS. | |
95 | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_GRADE_POINTS | IU Cumulative Grade Points | STU_IUGPA_TOT_GRD_PTS_NBR | C | IU | GPA | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of grade_points (94). | |
NA | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | IU_TOT_TOT_INPROG | IU Total Cumulative Units In Progress | STU_IUGPA_TOT_INPRG_UNT_NBR | C | IU | INP | IU GPA SPECIFCATION ==> tot_inprog_gpa + tot_inprog_nogpa. | |
NA | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_INPROG_GPA | IU Cumulative Units In Progress For GPA | STU_IUGPA_TUNT_INPRG_GPA_NBR | C | IU | INP | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_inprog_gpa -- not displayed | |
NA | PS_IUSTDNT_CAR_TRM | TOT_INPROG_NOGPA | IU Cumulative Units In Progress Not For GPA | STU_IUGPA_TUNT_INPRG_NTGPA_NBR | C | IU | INP | IU GPA SPECIFICATION ==> sum of unt_inprog_nogpa -- not displayed |