Reporting Purpose(s) | IR Census Snapshot Table? | IR Admission Snapshot Tables? | Column Name | Friendly Name | Description |
Enrollment Summary Tool Geo Report | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_CNTY_NM | Derived Student Indiana Home County | This contains the Indiana county name associated with the student admission home address from when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level. Note that this field is blank for naturalized U.S. citizens and permanent residents whose home address was in Indiana. |
Enrollment Summary Tool Geo Report | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_ST_NM | Derived Student US Home State | This contains the U.S. state name associated with the student admission home address from when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level. Note that this field is blank for naturalized U.S. citizens and permanent residents whose home address was in a U.S. state. |
Country of Origin | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_CNTRY_NM | Derived Student Country of Origin | This contains the student country of origin. Values other than 'United States' are determined by IU International Services as indicated in the field PRSN_2ND_CTZN_CNTRY_CD. Naturalized U.S. citizens and permanent residents are listed under their country of origin and not ‘United States’, so this field should not be used to identify international students. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_REGION_NM | Derived Student Country of Origin Region | This is the global region name that is associated with the Derived Student Country of Origin field. For example, Nicaragua is in the region of Latin America. This field should not be used to identify international students. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_SUBREGION_NM | Derived Student Country of Origin Sub-Region | This is the global sub-region name that is associated with the Derived Student Country of Origin field. For example, Nicaragua is in the sub-region of 'Central America/Mexico'. This field should not be used to identify international students. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_CONTINENT_NM | Derived Student Country of Origin Continent | This is the geographic continent that is associated with the Derived Student Country of Origin field. For example, Nicaragua is in the continent of 'North America'. This field should not be used to identify international students. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin, Enrollment Summary Tool Geo Report | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_TYP_NM | Derived Enrollment Summary Tool Geo Category | This field indicates if and how the student is counted in the geographic reports in the Enrollment Summary Tool (EST) on the IA website: The valid values are 'FOREIGN COUNTRY' (country of origin is not USA), 'OUT OF STATE' (country of origin is USA and home state is not Indiana), 'INDIANA COUNTY' (country of origin is USA and state is Indiana and county is a valid value), and 'UNKNOWN' (all other cases which are not reported in the EST geographic report). This is not to be used for international student reporting, since 'FOREIGN COUNTRY' includes naturalized U.S. citizens. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin, Enrollment Summary Tool Geo Report | Y | N | STU_DRVD_GEO_NM | Derived Enrollment Summary Tool Geo Name | This field indicates the geographic name (country, U.S. state, or Indiana county) that corresponds with the Derived Enrollment Summary Geo Category. The values come from one of these other fields on this table: STU_DRVD_GEO_CNTRY_NM, STU_DRVD_GEO_ST_NM, or STU_DRVD_GEO_CNTY_NM. This field should not be used to identify international students. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin | Y | Y | PRSN_2ND_CTZN_CNTRY_CD | Country of Origin Code | This contains the student country of origin code. Values are determined by IU International Services . Naturalized U.S. citizens and permanent residents are listed under their country of origin and not ‘United States’, so this field should not be used to identify international students. Instead, international student reporting should be based on the field PRSN_DRVD_IPEDS_ETHNIC_DESC with a value of NR-Alien. |
Country of Origin | N | Y | PRSN_2ND_CTZN_CNTRY_NM | Country of Origin Name | Same as STU_DRVD_GEO_CNTRY_NM for students with a record with IU International Services. |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y | PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_CD | Admission Home County Code | Indiana county code of the county of residence when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level and for this degree-seeking status, as of the time of the snapshot. |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y | PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_NM | Admission Home County Name | Indiana county name of the county of residence when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level and for this degree-seeking status, as of the time of the snapshot. |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y | PRSN_ADMT_HM_ST_CD | Admission Home County State Code | State code of the state of residence when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level and for this degree-seeking status, as of the time of the snapshot. |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y | PRSN_ADMT_HM_ST_NM | Admission Home County State Name | |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y (PRSN_ADHM_ZIP_CD) | PRSN_ADMT_HM_ZIP_CD | Admission Home Zip Code | Student's zip code of residence when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level and for this degree-seeking status, as of the time of the snapshot. |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y (PRSN_ADDR_ADHM_CNTRY_CD) | PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTRY_CD | Admission Home Country Code | The student's country of residence when the student first enrolled at IU at this career level and for this degree-seeking status, as of the time of the snapshot. |
Admission Home Address | Y | Y | PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTRY_NM | Admission Home Country Name | |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_CNTRY_CD | Derived Current Address Country Code | Contains the students country for their most current address (looks at local address, student housing address, admissions home address, then mailing address) |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_CNTRY_NM | Derived Current Address Country Name | |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_ST_CD | Derived Current Address State Code | Contains the students state for their most current address (looks at local address, student housing address, admissions home address, then mailing address) |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_ST_NM | Derived Current Address State Name | |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_IN_CNTY_CD | Derived Current Address Indiana County Code | Contains the students Indiana county for their most current address (looks at local address, student housing address, admissions home address, then mailing address) |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_IN_CNTY_NM | Derived Current Address Indiana County Name | |
Current Address as of Snapshot | Y | N | STU_DRV_CUR_ADDR_ZIP_CD | Derived Current Address Zip Code | Contains the students zip code for their most current address (looks at local address, student housing address, admissions home address, then mailing address) |
Campus County Service Region | Y | Y | STU_CNTY_SRVC_RGN_IND | Student Campus County Service Region Indicator | This is set to Y if the student's admission home address when first enrolled at IU was in an Indiana county that is part of the enrolled campus service region. |