Guide to the Indicators for Core 40, Academic Honors, and 21st Century Scholars
Prior to fall 2012, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) required Indiana universities to indicate annually which of their Hoosier students completed a high school Core 40, Core 40 with Technical Honors, or Core 40 with Academic Honors diploma. The Commission also requested a list of students who had been part of the 21st Century Scholars program, regardless of whether they receive a 21st Century Scholarship from the ICHE State Financial Aid office. Besides these indicators for ICHE, we receive ad hoc requests for summary or student-level reports of 21st Century Scholarship recipients. This Data Guide explains the indicators that were developed for this reporting, beginning in 2008.[1]
[1] Beginning in 2012, ICHE no longer collects these data from universities but rather directly from the Indiana Department of Education. Nevertheless, these indicators are still used for internal reporting at IU. See the separate IR Data Guide for reporting high school diploma type for further information: .
Prior to fall 2012, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) required Indiana universities to indicate annually which of their Hoosier students completed a high school Core 40, Core 40 with Technical Honors, or Core 40 with Academic Honors diploma. The Commission also requested a list of students who had been part of the 21st Century Scholars program, regardless of whether they receive a 21st Century Scholarship from the ICHE State Financial Aid office. Besides these indicators for ICHE, we receive ad hoc requests for summary or student-level reports of 21st Century Scholarship recipients. This Data Guide explains the indicators that were developed for this reporting, beginning in 2008.[1]
To meet these reporting needs, Institutional Analytics created the following indicators by students’ University IDs:
Column Name | Alternate Column Name | Description | Valid Values |
IR_ACAD_HONORS_DIPLOMA | IR_ACAD_HON_DPLM_IND | IR indicator of whether an Indiana high school graduate completed an Academic Honors Diploma. | Y or null |
IR_CORE_40_DIPLOMA | IR_CORE_DPLM_IND | IR indicator of whether an Indiana high school graduate completed a standard Core 40 Diploma. | Y or null |
IR_COR40_TECH_DPLM_IND | | IR indicator of whether an Indiana high school graduate completed a Core 40 Technical Diploma. | Y or null |
IR_21ST_CENTURY_SCHOLAR | IR_TCNT_HIST_PTCPN_IND | IR indicator of whether the student was historically associated with the 21st Scholars program. Note that this does not indicate if a student is receiving a 21st Century Scholars Grant. | Y or null |
Some or all of these indicators exist on the following tables and views:
DSS_RDS.IR_SSACICAT_ST (IR source table for all columns)
In addition to the indicators listed above, IA has also created an indicator (valid value = Y) for students who received a 21st Century Scholarship (IR_TCNT_AWD_RCPT_IND). These data are available by student, campus, and academic term. This indicator exists on the following tables and views:
Here are the years when students in these categories first attended IU as degree-seeking students:
Program | First IU Freshman Class in this Program |
Academic Honors Diploma | Summer/Fall 1988 |
21st Century Scholars | Summer/Fall 1995 |
Core 40 Diploma | Summer/Fall 1998 |
Items to Note
- The data we have on the indicators for ICHE is most complete for fall 1998 and later beginners. Data for students who received 21st Century Scholarships extends back to fall 2004.
- Throughout the year, students’ indicators for ICHE are updated by IU admissions and financial aid staff, based on updated high school transcripts and new data from ICHE Student Financial Aid. As a result, a student may have an indicator of Y on one day, with this being changed to N on a subsequent date. SR_STU_TERM is updated nightly to indicate the most current information we have.
- The indicators for Academic Honors, Core 40, and Core 40 Technical are not mutually exclusive; some students have multiple indicators. When reporting to ICHE, IA reported all students with the indicator IR_ACAD_HONORS_DIPLOMA as Academic Honors Diploma students. When reporting Core 40 students as a separate population to ICHE, we only included students who lacked an IR_ACAD_HONORS_DIPLOMA indicator, and who have the indicator IR_CORE_40_DIPLOMA or IR_COR40_TECH_DPLM_IND. Finally, students with the “Academic Honors Technical” diploma are included in both IR_ACAD_HONORS_DIPLOMA and IR_COR40_TECH_DPLM_IND.
Data Sources
The data for the ICHE indicators come from 3 sources:
- Admissions Recruiting Categories for each program (AHON, CORE, TCNT, and the “technical” versions of Academic Honors – AHOT and Core 40 - CORT). These can be found in DSS.ADM_APPL_CAT_ST. The IR indicators are populated from the PeopleSoft base table ODS_PSE.PS_ADM_APPL_RCR_CA.
- Financial Aid SSACI Table and CHE Table indicators for each program. These can be found in DSS_RDS.FA_SSACI_ST and DSS_RDS.FA_CHE_DTA_GT, indicated by a Y in each column. The IR indicators are populated from the PeopleSoft base tables ODS_PSE.PS_IU_SSACI_DATA and ODS_PSE.PS_IU_CHE_DATA.
- Legacy files from IUIS from the IR archives. Those data sources included the Additional Info (Special Progams) codes (AH, CF, CS) from the IUIS tables ADMSFILE and ADMHIST, as well as the program indicators in the IUIS table SSACICAT.
The data for the indicator of 21st Century Scholarship recipients represent disbursed awards in DSS_RDS.SF_ITM_GT.
For More Information
Contact our office using the Contact link on our website:
[1] Beginning in 2012, ICHE no longer collects these data from universities but rather directly from the Indiana Department of Education. Nevertheless, these indicators are still used for internal reporting at IU. See the separate IR Data Guide for reporting high school diploma type for further information: