Summary of Fall 2013 Distance Education Logic
Schedule of Classes Distance Education Fields:
Field | Setting | Logic |
‘OA’ ‘OI’ ‘HY’ ‘HD’ ‘DO’ ‘CT’ ‘OC’ ‘P’ ‘IN’ ‘IS’ | (Valid Fall 2013 and beyond only) Online All Online Interactive Hybrid, Traditional Hybrid, Distance (proposed code) Distance, Other (proposed code) Closed Circuit TV Correspondence In Person (Face to Face) Internship Independent/Directed Study |
| ‘Online All’ ‘Online Int’ ‘Hybrid’ ‘ClsdCirTV’ ‘Correspond’ ‘In Person’ ‘Internship’ ‘Indp Stds’ |
(proposed codes will need descriptions added) |
| ‘Online All 100%’ ‘Online Interactive 76-99%’ ‘Hybrid 26-75% Online’ ‘Closed Circuit TV’ ‘Online Correspondence 75-100%’ ‘In Person’ ‘Internship/Practica’ ‘Independent/Directed Study’ |
- To report Distance Education using Instruction Mode:
Pre-Fall 2013 | Fall 2013 and beyond |
Use Attributes: CRS_ATTRIB_CD = ‘RPCD’ AND CRS_ATTRIB_VAL_CD IN ( ‘%OI’*, ‘%HY’, ‘%TV’ , ‘%IS’)
*In Spring 2013 Indianapolis online sections were coded ‘INOA’ | Use Instruction Mode: CLS_INSTRC_MODE_CD IN (‘OA’,’ OI’,’HD’, ‘DO’, or ‘CT’) |
Academic Plan Table Distance Education Fields:
Field | Setting | Logic |
IU_PLAN_ONL_IND | ‘Y’ ‘Y8’ ‘Y5’ ‘N’ | Plan is 100% Online Plan is 80%-99% Online Plan is 50%-79% Online Plan is not an online plan (default) |
Term Snapshot Distance Education Fields:
Field | Setting | Logic |
| Number of DE hours taken: CLS_INSTRC_MODE_CD IN (‘OA’,’ OI’,’HD’, ‘DO’, or ‘CT’) (Currently valid only Fall 2013 and beyond) |
| ‘Y’ ‘N’ | At least 1 DE course taken in term No DE hours taken in term (default) |
| ‘All’ ‘Part’ ‘None’ | All hours taken are DE hours Some hours taken are DE hours No hours taken are DE hours |
| ‘Indiana’
‘Not US’
Null | DIST_ED_TERM_IND = ‘Y’ and student location at time of instruction is Indiana DIST_ED_TERM_IND = ‘Y’ and student location at time of instruction is within the United States DIST_ED_TERM_IND = ‘Y’ and student location at time of instruction is outside the United States DIST_ED_TERM_IND = ‘Y’ and student location at time of instruction is not known DIST_ED_TERM_IND = ‘N’ (default) |
IU_PLAN_1_ONL_IND IU_PLAN_2_ONL_IND IU_PLAN_3_ONL_IND | ‘Y’ ‘Y8’ ‘Y5’ ‘N’ | Plan is 100% Online Plan is 80%-99% Online Plan is 50%-79% Online Plan is not an online plan (default) |
ACAD_PLAN_DIST_ED_IND | Pre-Fall 2013: ‘Y’ ‘N’
Fall 2013+: ‘Y’, ’Y8’, ’Y5’, or ’N’ |
Plan may be DE only or DE and On-Campus Plan is not considered DE
Matches IU_PLAN_1_ONL_IND (see values and logic above) |
Enrollment Snapshot Distance Education Fields:
Field | Setting | Logic |
CLS_RPT_CD | Pre-Fall 2013: ‘%OI’, ‘%HY’, ’%TV’, ‘%IS’
Fall 2013+: ‘%OI’, ‘%OA’, ‘%HD’, ‘%DO’, ‘%CT’
Null | Class is DE: first two characters indicate campus (‘IN’, ‘BL’, ‘CO’, ‘EA’, ‘KO’, ‘NW’, ‘SB’, ‘SE’) and last two characters indicate mode of instruction.
Class is DE: first two characters indicate campus (‘IN’, ‘BL’, ‘CO’, ‘EA’, ‘KO’, ‘NW’, ‘SB’, ‘SE’) and last two characters indicate mode of instruction.
Class is not DE (default) |
CLS_CONV_RPT_CD | LXX | ICHE code representing student location at time of instruction. L=’0’ indicates IN, XX contains county code L=’1’ indicates USA, LXX contains state code L>1 indicates outside US, LXX contains country code |
CLS_INSTRC_MODE_CD | From SOC | (Valid Fall 2013 and beyond only)
CLS_INSTRC_MODE_DESC | From SOC | (Valid Fall 2013 and beyond only)
STU_ENRL_DIST_ED_CD | Pre-Fall 2013: ‘OI’, ‘HY’, ‘TV’, ‘IS’
Fall 2013+: ‘OI’, ‘OA’, ‘HD’, ‘DO’, ‘CT’
Null |
Class is DE. Code indicates mode of instruction.
Class is DE. Code indicates mode of instruction.
Class in not DE (default) |
IU Online Class Connect Related Fields added August 2015 (SR_CLS_GT, SR_ENRL_ST, IR_CLS_SNPSHT_GT, IR_CEN_CRS_SNPSHT_GT):
Field | Setting | Logic |
Null | Class is an OCC replicated class and is a “home” campus class (INST_CD and CMP_LOC_CD match).
Class is an OCC replicated class and is an “away” class (INST_CD and CMP_LOC_CD do not match).
Class is not an OCC replicated class. |
Null | If the class is an OCC replicated class that is an “away” class, this contains the class number of the original class section. If the class is an OCC replicated class that is a “home” campus class, this matches the class number.
The class is not an OCC replicated class. |