The federal CARES Act of 2020 (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) provided funds to assist students and universities during the COVID-19 pandemic by creating the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). Subsequent federal legislation has provided more HEERF funding for students and universities. Although HEERF funds have the characteristics listed above for reportable financial aid, federal and state guidelines indicate that a sizeable portion of these funds, especially in 2019-20, should have “no effect” on students’ cost of attendance, need analysis, or other financial aid[1]. Also, any “no effect” funds are to be excluded from most financial aid reporting[2]. The same is true for IU funds that were used to reimburse students for room, board, and tuition charges during the pandemic[3], and these latter funds are referred to below as IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges.
In most cases, IU staff need to exclude these “no effect” funds when reporting financial aid figures to match UIRR reports. The exceptions to this are listed in the Guidelines for Reporting section below. To assist users, the sections below explain where HEERF, IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges, and other IU COVID-19-related gift aid are recorded, and where they are excluded from various UIRR financial aid tables and fields.
Please note that the terms “CARES” and “HEERF” are used interchangeably throughout this document, and in the IUIE reports referenced below.
Guidelines for Reporting
Beginning in mid-November 2020, most UIRR reports will exclude federal HEERF “no effect” funds and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges. One exception is Section 1, Parts A-C of the IPEDS student financial aid survey[4], which will include federal HEERF “no effect” gift aid (as described above in the Overview) but not IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges[5]. If there are any additional reports that include HEERF “no effect” gift aid, they will be specialized reports that explicitly state that these funds are included.
In addition, we expect there will be internal reporting and analysis needs related to students who received these funds. As a result, both HEERF “no effect” gift aid and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges appear in the UIRR financial aid award detail snapshot table as gift aid, as well as in specialized columns in other UIRR snapshot tables. IU staff who access these tables through the IUIE or by using SQL need to familiarize themselves with how to either exclude or identify these funds, and the next section explains this for each table and view.
Tables and Views with HEERF “No Effect” Gift Aid and IU COVID-19 Refunds of Institutional Charges
UIRR Financial Aid Award Detail Snapshot
The UIRR financial aid award detail snapshot table[6] lists each separate student award by snapshot[7]. To facilitate reporting, the IUIE data group for this table (IR_FA_AWD_DTL_GT) has two derived columns that indicate whether funds represent HEERF “no effect” gift aid or IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges.
One of these derived columns is the IR Award Program Category[8] (IR_AWD_PGM_CTGRY_CD/DESC). Here are the IR Award Program Category values assigned to COVID-19-related funds, and the first two values represent “no effect” gift aid that are excluded from most UIRR reports:
| IR Award Program Category Code | Category Description |
Excluded from most UIRR Reports | FED_CARES_ACT_GIFT_NO_EFFECT_ON_NEED | Federally Funded HEERF Grants Not Meeting Need |
INST_GIFT_COVID_NO_EFFECT_ON_NEED | IU Gift Aid - COVID-19 Refunds of Institutional Charges Not Meeting Need |
Included in UIRR reports10 | FED_CARES_ACT_GIFT_MEETS_NEED | Federally Funded HEERF Grants Meeting Need10 |
INST_GIFT_COVID_MEETS_NEED | IU Gift Aid - COVID-19 Pandemic Gift Aid Meeting Need10 |
Note that the latter two IR Award Program Categories in the grid above are included in all UIRR reports, and this is because these awards are set up in the IU Student Information System (SIS) to affect a student’s financial aid eligibility[9].
A second derived column is the IR Reportable Aid Category (IR_RPTBL_AID_CTGRY_DESC). Below are the values in this field. Note that the value “Reportable Financial Aid” includes the latter two IR Award Program Categories listed above, as well as the other reportable IR Award Program Categories listed in Appendix B below.
IR Reportable Aid Category Values |
Reportable Financial Aid |
Federal HEERF No Effect Gift Aid - Exclude From Most Reporting |
IU COVID-19 Refunds of Institutional Charges Not Meeting Need - Exclude From Most Reporting |
The IUIE report IR_FA_AWD_DTL_GT has user parameters for both of these derived columns. The parameter for the IR Reportable Aid Category is pre-set to only return “Reportable Financial Aid” values, which is appropriate for most reporting.
UIRR Annual Enrolled-Degree Summary with Financial Aid
This view[10] summarizes the student attributes of enrolled students and IU degree recipients, by aid year, IR snapshot period, student university ID, and reporting campus[11] to match official IR financial aid reports, such as annual reports to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education Data Submission System (CHEDSS) and most UIRR Tableau financial aid recipient and amount reports.
Most of the aggregated amount columns in this view exclude federal HEERF “no effect” gift aid and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges, but include the “reportable aid” categories of COVID-19-related funds. A list of these columns is in Appendix A below.
This view also has amount columns by award program/category that sum to the total aid by funding source. For these, the reportable aid categories, HEERF “no effect” gift aid, and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges are reported in separate columns. Here (and on the next page) are the mutually exclusive amount columns for federal gift aid, and the latter two columns in red should be excluded from most reporting.
Federal Gift Aid Programs/Categories - Mutually Exclusive Columns |
IUIE Column Description | Column Name | Notes |
Pell Grant AY Amount | IR_GFT_PELL_AY_AMT | |
Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant AY Amount | IR_GFT_SEOG_AY_AMT | |
Fed. Veterans Benefit and Military Tuition Assistance AY Amount | IR_GFT_FED_VET_AY_AMT | There are three other sub-total fields that include subsets of this fall + spring academic year amount column: a) Military Tuition Assistance, b) Post-911 GI Tuition Benefit, and c) Other Veterans Benefit |
Federal Other Gift Aid AY Amount | IR_GFT_FED_OTHR_AY_AMT | |
Pell Grant SU Amount | IR_GFT_PELL_SU_AMT | |
Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant SU Amount | IR_GFT_SEOG_SU_AMT | |
Fed. Veterans Benefit and Military Tuition Assistance SU Amount | IR_GFT_FED_VET_SU_AMT | There are three other sub-total fields that include subsets of this summer amount column: a) Military Tuition Assistance, b) Post-911 GI Tuition Benefit, and c) Other Veterans Benefit |
Federal Gift Aid Programs/Categories - Mutually Exclusive Columns (continued) |
IUIE Column Description | Column Name | Notes |
Federal Other Gift Aid SU Amount | IR_GFT_FED_OTHR_SU_AMT | |
Federal HEERF Gift Aid AY - Eligible to Meet Need | IR_GFT_FED_CARES_MTND_AY_AMT | |
Federal HEERF Gift Aid SU - Eligible to Meet Need | IR_GFT_FED_CARES_MTND_SU_AMT | |
Federal HEERF Gift Aid AY - Not Reported as Aid | IR_GFT_FED_CARES_NOEFCT_AY_AMT | Exclude this from most reporting. |
Federal HEERF Gift Aid SU - Not Reported as Aid | IR_GFT_FED_CARES_NOEFCT_SU_AMT | Exclude this from most reporting. |
Here are the mutually exclusive amount columns for IU gift aid/grants, and the latter two columns in red should be excluded from most reporting.
IU/IUF Gift Aid Programs/Categories - Mutually Exclusive Columns |
IUIE Column Description | Column Name | Notes |
IU Endowed/IU Foundation Gift Aid AY Amount | IR_GFT_IUF_ENDW_INST_AY_AMT | |
IU Gift Aid AY Amount - Other Source | IR_GFT_OTHR_INST_AY_AMT | |
IU Endowed/IU Foundation Gift Aid SU Amount | IR_GFT_IUF_ENDW_INST_SU_AMT | |
IU Gift Aid SU Amount - Other Source | IR_GFT_OTHR_INST_SU_AMT | |
IU COVID-19 Gift Aid AY - Eligible to Meet Need | IR_GFT_INST_COVID_MTND_AY_AMT | |
IU COVID-19 Gift Aid SU - Eligible to Meet Need | IR_GFT_INST_COVID_MTND_SU_AMT | |
IU COVID-19 Refunds of Institutional Charges AY - Not Reported as Aid | IR_GFT_INST_COVID_NOEFCTAY_AMT | Exclude this from most reporting. |
IU COVID-19 Refunds of Institutional Charges SU - Not Reported as Aid | IR_GFT_INST_COVID_NOEFCTSU_AMT | Exclude this from most reporting. |
UIRR Financial Aid Award Summary Snapshot
This view[12] summarizes the student attributes of enrolled students and IU degree recipients, by aid year, IR snapshot period, student university ID, and campus.
This view has the same columns as the UIRR Annual Enrolled-Degree Summary with Financial Aid report described above:
- Aggregated amount columns that exclude HEERF “no effect” gift aid and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges (see Appendix A below).
- Amount columns by award program/category, as listed in the two previous grids for federal and IU/IUF gift aid.
However, please note the following differences between this report and the UIRR Annual Enrolled-Degree Summary with Financial Aid report described above:
- This view lists students enrolled at a combination of Indianapolis, Columbus, and/or IU Fort Wayne on a separate row for each campus.
- This view displays all financial aid recipients, including those who are excluded from the UIRR Annual Enrolled-Degree Summary with Financial Aid report due to withdrawal from classes.
Appendix A: Aggregated amount columns that exclude federal HEERF “no effect” gift aid and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges
- The columns on the following pages are in the following IUIE data groups:
- UIIR Annual Enrolled-Degree Summary with Financial Aid - IR_FA_ENRL_DEGR_AWD_SUM_GT
- UIRR Financial Aid Award Summary Snapshot - IR_FA_AWD_SUM_GT
- Note that the columns on the following pages include these “reportable aid” categories of federal and IU COVID-19 funds:
| IR Award Program Category Code | Category Description |
Included in UIRR reports | FED_CARES_ACT_GIFT_MEETS_NEED | Federally Funded HEERF Grants Meeting Need |
INST_GIFT_COVID_MEETS_NEED | IU Gift Aid - COVID-19 Pandemic Gift Aid Meeting Need |
Columns that exclude HEERF "no effect" gift aid and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges |
IUIE Column Description | Column Name |
IR Aid Yr Gift Aid Indicator | IR_AID_YR_GFT_IND |
IR Aid Yr IU-funded Gift Aid Indicator | IR_AID_YR_IU_GFT_IND |
IR Aid Yr Non-IU Gift Aid Indicator | IR_AID_YR_NON_IU_GFT_IND |
IR Aid Year Gift Aid Amount | IR_AID_YR_GFT_AMT |
IR Aid Year Gift Aid Amount Excl. Vet Benefits | IR_AID_YR_GFT_EXCL_VET_AMT |
IR Aid Yr IU-funded Gift Aid Amount | IR_AID_YR_IU_GFT_AMT |
IR Aid Yr Non-IU Gift Aid Amount | IR_AID_YR_NON_IU_GFT_AMT |
IR Acad Year Gift Aid Amount | IR_ACAD_YR_GFT_AMT |
IR Acad Year Gift Aid Amount Excl. Vet Benefits | IR_ACAD_YR_GFT_EXCL_VET_AMT |
IR Acad Year IU Gift Aid Amount | IR_ACAD_YR_IU_GFT_AMT |
IR Acad Year Non-IU Gift Aid Amount | IR_ACAD_YR_NON_IU_GFT_AMT |
Gift Aid Meeting Need AY Amount | IR_MEET_NEED_GFT_AY_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Funds - Need-Based | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_NEED_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Funds - Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_MRT_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Funds - Both Need- and Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_BOTH_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Funds - Neither Need- nor Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_NEITHER_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Fund - Consolidated Need-Based Total | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_ND_SBTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Fund - Consolidated Merit-Based Total | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_MT_SBTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - General Fund Total | STU_IU_GFT_GENFND_TTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation or IU Endowed - Need-Based | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_NEED_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation or IU Endowed - Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_MRT_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation or IU Endowed - Both Need- and Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_BOTH_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation or IU Endowed - Neither Need- nor Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_NEITHER_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation or IU Endowed - Consolidated Need-Based Total | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_ND_SBTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation or IU Endowed - Consolidated Merit-Based Total | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_MT_SBTL_AMT |
Columns that exclude HEERF "no effect" gift aid and IU COVID-19 refunds of institutional charges (continued) |
IUIE Column Description | Column Name |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - IU Foundation and IU Endowed Total | STU_IU_GFT_ENDIUF_TTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources - Need-Based | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_NEED_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources - Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_MRT_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources - Both Need- and Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_BOTH_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources - Neither Need- nor Merit-Based | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_NEITHER_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources - Consolidated Need-Based Total | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_ND_SBTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources - Consolidated Merit-Based Total | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_MT_SBTL_AMT |
IU Aid Yr Gift Aid - Other Sources Total | STU_IU_GFT_OTHR_TTL_AMT |
| | |
Appendix B: IR Award Program Categories (IR_AWD_PGM_CTGRY_CD/DESC)
| IR Award Program Category Code | Category Description |
Excluded from most UIRR Reports | FED_CARES_ACT_GIFT_NO_EFFECT_ON_NEED | Federally Funded HEERF Grants Not Meeting Need |
INST_GIFT_COVID_NO_EFFECT_ON_NEED | IU Gift Aid - COVID-19 Refunds of Institutional Charges Not Meeting Need |
Included in UIRR reports | FED_CARES_ACT_GIFT_MEETS_NEED | Federally Funded HEERF Grants Meeting Need |
INST_GIFT_COVID_MEETS_NEED | IU Gift Aid - COVID-19 Pandemic Gift Aid Meeting Need |
FED_ASG | Federal ACG and SMART Grants |
FED_GEAR_UP | Federal Gear Up Grants |
FED_OTHER_GIFT_BOTH_MERIT_AND_NEED | Federal Other Gift Aid - Both Merit and Need |
FED_OTHER_GIFT_MERIT | Federal Other Merit-based Gift Aid |
FED_OTHER_GIFT_NEED | Federal Other Need-based Gift Aid |
FED_OTHER_GIFT_NEITHER_MERIT_NOR_NEED | Federal Other Gift Aid - Neither Merit nor Need |
FED_PELL | Federal Pell Grant |
FED_ROBERT_BYRD | Federal Robert Byrd Scholarship |
| IR Award Program Category Code (continued) | Category Description |
Included in UIRR reports | FED_SEOG | Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant |
FED_VETERANS_GIFT | Federal Veterans or Military Tuition Assistance Gift Aid |
INST_GIFT_ATHLETIC | IU Gift Aid - Undergraduate Athletic Scholarship |
INST_GIFT_ENDIUF_BOTH_MERIT_AND_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Endowed/IU Foundation - Both Merit and Need |
INST_GIFT_ENDIUF_MERIT | IU Gift Aid - Endowed/IU Foundation - Merit-based |
INST_GIFT_ENDIUF_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Endowed/IU Foundation - Need-based |
INST_GIFT_ENDIUF_NEITHER_MERIT_NOR_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Endowed/IU Foundation - Neither Merit nor Need |
INST_GIFT_FEE_COURTESY | IU Gift Aid - Faculty/Staff Tuition Benefit |
INST_GIFT_FEE_REMIT_EXCL_SCHOL | IU Gift Aid - Fee Remissions Other Than Named Scholarships |
INST_GIFT_GENFND_BOTH_MERIT_AND_NEED | IU Gift Aid - General Fund - Both Merit and Need |
INST_GIFT_GENFND_MERIT | IU Gift Aid - General Fund - Merit-based |
INST_GIFT_GENFND_NEED | IU Gift Aid - General Fund - Need-based |
INST_GIFT_GENFND_NEITHER_MERIT_NOR_NEED | IU Gift Aid - General Fund - Neither Merit nor Need |
INST_GIFT_IN_STATUTORY_COUNTY | IU Gift Aid - Indiana Statutory - County Fee Remission |
INST_GIFT_IN_STATUTORY_NONRES_CVO | IU Gift Aid - Indiana Statutory - Non-resident CVO |
INST_GIFT_IN_STATUTORY_NONRES_MILITARY | IU Gift Aid - Indiana Statutory - Non-resident Active Military |
INST_GIFT_IN_STATUTORY_SENIOR_CITIZEN | IU Gift Aid - Indiana Statutory - Senior Citizen |
| IR Award Program Category Code (continued) | Category Description |
Included in UIRR reports | INST_GIFT_MATCH_BOTH_MERIT_AND_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Genl Fund/IUF Match - Both Merit and Need |
INST_GIFT_MATCH_MERIT | IU Gift Aid - Genl Fund/IUF Match - Merit-based |
INST_GIFT_MATCH_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Genl Fund/IUF Match - Need-based |
INST_GIFT_OTHER_BOTH_MERIT_AND_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Genl Fund/IUF Match - Neither Merit nor Need |
INST_GIFT_OTHER_MERIT | IU Gift Aid - Other Funding - Merit-based |
INST_GIFT_OTHER_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Other Funding - Need-based |
INST_GIFT_OTHER_NEITHER_MERIT_NOR_NEED | IU Gift Aid - Other Funding - Neither Merit nor Need |
INST_GIFT_SAA_FEE_REMIT | IU Gift Aid - Student Academic Appointee Fee Remit |
INST_GIFT_VETERANS_YELLOW_RIBBON_MATCH | IU Gift Aid - IU Match of Federal Post 9-11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon |
LOAN_PARENT_FED_PLUS_NEITHER | Federal Loan - Parent PLUS - Neither Merit Nor Need |
LOAN_PARENT_PRIVATE_NEITHER | Private Loan - Parent - Neither Merit Nor Need |
LOAN_STU_FED_GRADUATE_PLUS_NEITHER | Federal Loan - Grad. Student PLUS - Neither Merit Nor Need |
LOAN_STU_FED_HEALTH_NURSING_NEED | Federal Loan - Health and Nursing - Need-based |
LOAN_STU_FED_HEALTH_NURSING_NEITHER | Federal Loan - Health and Nursing - Neither Merit Nor Need |
LOAN_STU_FED_PERKINS_NEED | Federal Loan - Perkins - Need-based |
LOAN_STU_FED_STAFFORD_SUB_NEED | Federal Loan - Stafford Subsidized - Need-based |
LOAN_STU_FED_STAFFORD_UNSUB_NEITHER | Federal Loan - Stafford Unsubsidized - Neither Merit Nor Need |
| IR Award Program Category Code (continued) | Category Description |
Included in UIRR reports | LOAN_STU_INST_NEED | IU Loan - Endowed - Need-based |
LOAN_STU_INST_NEITHER_MERIT_NOR_NEED | IU Loan - Endowed - Neither Merit nor Need |
LOAN_STU_PRIVATE_NEITHER | Private Loan - Student - Neither Merit Nor Need |
PRIVATE_GIFT | Private Gift Aid - Other |
PRIVATE_ROBERT_BYRD | Private Gift Aid - Non-Indiana Robert Byrd Scholarship |
SSACI_21ST_CT | SSACI 21st Century Scholarship |
SSACI_ACTIVE_NATIONAL_GUARD | SSACI Active Indiana National Guard Grant |
SSACI_CVO_VETERAN | SSACI CVO Child of Disabled Veteran Grant |
SSACI_HEA_FT | SSACI Obannon Higher Education Award - Full Time |
SSACI_HEA_FT_INCENTIVE_ACAD_HONOR | SSACI Obannon Performance Incentive - Academic Honors |
SSACI_HEA_FT_INCENTIVE_ACCEL | SSACI Obannon Performance Incentive - Accelerated Schedule |
SSACI_HEA_FT_INCENTIVE_ASSOC_DEGR | SSACI Obannon Performance Incentive - Associate Degree |
SSACI_HEA_PT | SSACI Obannon Higher Education Award - Part Time |
SSACI_HOOSIER_SCHL | SSACI Hoosier Scholarship |
SSACI_MINORITY_TCHR_SPECIAL_ED_OT_PT | SSACI Minority Teacher/Special Education Scholarship |
SSACI_NURSING_SCHL | SSACI Nursing Scholarship |
SSACI_ROBERT_BYRD | SSACI Robert Byrd Scholarship |
| IR Award Program Category Code (continued) | Category Description |
Included in UIRR reports | STATE_OTHER_GIFT_BOTH_MERIT_AND_NEED | State of Indiana Other Gift Aid - Both Merit and Need |
STATE_OTHER_GIFT_MERIT | State of Indiana Other Merit-based Gift Aid |
STATE_OTHER_GIFT_NEITHER_MERIT_NOR_NEED | State of Indiana Other Gift Aid - Neither Merit nor Need |
STATE_VOC_REHAB | State of Indiana Vocational Rehab. Gift Aid |
WORKSTUDY_DISBURSED_FED_NEED | Work Study - Federal - Need-based - Disbursed |
WORKSTUDY_DISBURSED_SSACI_NEED | Work Study - State of Indiana - Need-based - Disbursed |
WORKSTUDY_ESTIMATE_FED_NEED | Work Study - Federal - Need-based - Estimated |
[1] See (under Need Analysis). Note that the CARES Act includes different programs, and funds from some programs may be used for financial aid that affects need analysis; those exceptional cases are treated as reportable aid.
[2] See for example page 14 of the following, where CARES Act funds are excluded from part of the IPEDS student financial aid survey for 2019-20: . The Indiana Commission for Higher Education Data Submission System (CHEDSS) instructs institutions to exclude CARES Act funds from all portions of the 2019-20 data submission, per 10/13/2020 guidance from Jake Burns, ICHE Director of Business Intelligence and Delivery.
[3] See
[4] The IPEDS Student Financial Aid surveys for each campus are published on the UIRR website under Student Financial Aid at this URL: .
[5] See page 14 of the following: . Note that federal CARES Act “no effect” gift aid is excluded from the IPEDS survey Parts D-E that are used for IPEDS average net price, per guidance from IPEDS.
[6] This table is published for IU staff as IR_FA_AWD_DTL_GT in the IUIE, which combines underlying tables such as IR_FA_AWD_DTL_SNPSHT_ST. The granularity of this table is by snapshot, student university ID, academic term, campus, award item type, award third party contract (if applicable), award SF reference description (if applicable), general ledger expense account, and general ledger object code.
[7] The different UIRR snapshots are explained on this UIRR website: .
[8] Note that valid values for the Award Program Category are available to SQL users in the table DSS_RDS.IR_FA_AWD_PGM_CTGRY_DM, where IR_AWD_PGM_CTGRY_CUR_IND = 'Y'. A list of these values is below in Appendix B.
[9] In the SIS, the reportable CARES Act and IU COVID-19 financial aid awards are processed using financial aid item types with a “meet need cost” setting of “conditional” instead of “no effect.” See Footnote 2 above regarding the small subset of CARES Act funds that can meet need, are considered in need analysis, and are thus considered reportable. The IU COVID-19 funds that can meet need exclude funds that were used to reimburse students for room, board, and tuition charges during the pandemic.
[10] Published as IR_FA_ENRL_DEGR_AWD_SUM_GT in the IUIE.
[11] For the reporting campus, the Indianapolis, Columbus, and IU Fort Wayne campuses are combined into one row per student, year, and snapshot for those enrolled at two or three of these campuses. Otherwise, the reporting campus is the same as the student’s enrollment or degree campus.
[12] Published as IR_FA_ENRL_DEGR_AWD_SUM_GT in the IUIE.