This document contains derived column names, modules, and descriptions of derived fields.
Derived Column Name | Module | Description | Tables |
STU_DRV_ENRL_STAT_IND | SR | The general purpose of the Derived Enrollment Status Indicator is to indicate the term status of a student at any given point in time throughout the semester, in order to know whether the student is enrolled, waitlisted, auditing only, or dropped. The logic behind this field looks at each row on the enrollment table, and based on the combination of values in the Enrollment Status, Grading Basis, Official Grade, Primary Program and Date of Death fields, students receive a value indicating their term enrollment status for a particular semester. However, this field has 9 possible values, representing more than just the 4 possible meanings mentioned above; it may indicate something else entirely (deceased, for example), or something in addition to the 4 basic meanings (for example, a primary program of SWT or CLN). The following is a list of the 9 possible derived enrollment status indicator values and their meanings: X = Deceased E = Enrolled in at least one credit-bearing course EZ = Enrolled in at least one credit-bearing course, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN A = Enrolled in at least one course, but only as an auditor AZ = Enrolled in at least one course, but only as an auditor, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN W = The student has attempted to register, but is currently only on the course waitlist(s) WZ = The student has attempted to register, but is currently only on the course waitlist(s), and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN D = The student was registered at some point, but subsequently dropped all courses DZ = The student was registered at some point, but subsequently dropped all courses, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_CRR_SORT_NBR | SR | Career Sort Number | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_CRR_NM | SR | Career Name -Possible values are Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional and Non-Degree | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_EXPND_LVL_SORT_NBR | SR | Expanded Level Sort Number | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_EXPND_LVL_NM | SR | Expanded Level Name - separates academic levels in certificates, associates and baccalaureates, masters and doctorates, all nondegree | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_LVL_SORT_NBR | SR | Level Sort Number | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_LVL_NM | SR | Level Name - separates academic levels in associates and baccalaureates, masters and doctorates, all nondegree | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_TERM_DRVD_CUR_IND | SR | This is a field that indicates whether or not this row is for a current term, meaning todays date falls between the term start and end date | SR_STU_TERM |
STU_DRVD_TOT_TERM_UNT_NBR | SR | This field sums the Units Taken For GPA and Not For GPA and the Units In Progress For GPA and Not For GPA, which is what the Units Taken For Progress field does, except that this field has additional logic that excludes special credit prior to term 4048. | SR_STU_TERM |
STU_DRVD_TOT_TERM_UNT_WAUD_NBR | SR | Total Term Units with Audit units included | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_1_IND | SR | Indicates if this row for the summer term contains data for SS1 (summer session 1) | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_TERM_SMMR_1_UNTS | SR | Contains the number of units being taken for the first summer session | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_1_AUD_UNTS | SR | Indicates number of audit units a student is enrolled in for the first summer session of the given term | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_1_DESC | SR | Description for first summer session: First Summer Session | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_1_LOAD | SR | Load indicator for first summer session | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_2_IND | SR | Indicates if this row for the summer term contains data for SS2 (summer session 2) | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_TERM_SMMR_2_UNTS | SR | Contains the number of units being taken for the second summer session | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_2_AUD_UNTS | SR | Indicates number of audit hours a student is enrolled in for the second summer session of the given term | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_2_DESC | SR | Description for second summer session: Second Summer Session | SR_STU_TERM |
ACAD_DRVD_TERM_SMMR_2_LOAD | SR | Load indicator for second summer session | SR_STU_TERM |
ROW_USE_FOR_HEADCOUNT_IND | SR | This indicator will contain a 'Y' if it should be used when counting heads for a term. If a student has multiple careers for the same term, one will be marked with a 'Y' , the other with an 'N'. | SR_STU_TERM |
ROW_USE_FOR_HDCT_SMMR_1_IND | SR | For summer one this indicator will contain a 'Y' if it should be used when counting heads for a term. If a student has multiple careers for the same term, one will be marked with a 'Y' , the other with an 'N'. | SR_STU_TERM |
ROW_USE_FOR_HDCT_SMMR_2_IND | SR | For summer two this indicator will contain a 'Y' if it should be used when counting heads for a term. If a student has multiple careers for the same term, one will be marked with a 'Y' , the other with an 'N'. | SR_STU_TERM |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_IND | SR | This indicator will contain a 'Y' if it should be used when counting heads for a term and an unduplicated headcount is desired (IUINA and IUCOA dual enrollment is counted once). | SR_STU_TERM |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_SMMR_1_IND | SR | For summer one indicator will contain a 'Y' if it should be used when counting heads for a term and an unduplicated headcount is desired (IUINA and IUCOA dual enrollment is counted once). | SR_STU_TERM |
ROW_USE_HDCT_UNDUPL_SMMR_2_IND | SR | For summer two indicator will contain a 'Y' if it should be used when counting heads for a term and an unduplicated headcount is desired (IUINA and IUCOA dual enrollment is counted once). | SR_STU_TERM |
CLS_DRVD_SESN_CD | SR | This column is a derived code used for summer term sessions. If the class meeting start date (for meeting pattern number 1) is less than the session begin date for the summer session 2 (6W2 for IUEAA, SS2 for all other campuses), then this value is SS1, otherwise it is SS2. | SR_ENRL |
CLS_DRVD_SESN_DESC | SR | Description of the summer session: First Summer Session or Second Summer Session | SR_ENRL |
CLS_DRVD_CLS_ENRL_STAT_IND | SR | This field indicates the student enrollment status in a particular class. This field was developed because the delivered enrollment status code (stu_enrl_stat_cd) does not accurately reflect the student enrollment status at every given point in time throughout the semester, but rather one must often look at a combination of fields to determine the current class enrollment status. The logic of this field takes this into account, and also shows whether the student is auditing the course, on the waitlist for the course, has dropped the course, or is enrolled and the class is a non-credit class (the Grading Basis Code, stu_grd_basis_cd, is NON). Additionally, like the (term) Derived Enrollment Status, the values indicate whether the Primary Program is SWT or CLN. The values for this field are: X = Deceased E = Enrolled, and the course is credit-bearing EZ = Enrolled, the course is credit-bearing, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN N = Enrolled, and the course is <i>not</i> credit-bearing NZ = Enrolled, the course is <i>not</i> credit-bearing, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN A = Auditing AZ = Auditing, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN W = Waitlisted WZ = Waitlisted, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN D = Dropped DZ = Dropped, and the Primary Program is SWT or CLN | SR_ENRL |
CLS_DRVD_LVL_CD | SR | Code that indicates if a course is a 100 level, 200 level, 300 level, 400 level, or GRAD level course, based on the course catalog number. | SR_ENRL |
CLS_DRVD_GRD_CMPNT_IND | SR | Derived Graded Component - indicates if this component is the graded component for a class (checks component on sr_cls_assoc_gt) | SR_CLS_CMPNT_GT |
CLS_DRVD_SESN_CD | SR | This column is a derived code used for summer term sessions. If the class meeting start date (for meeting pattern number 1) is less than the session begin date for the summer session 2 (6W2 for IUEAA, SS2 for all other campuses), then this value is SS1, otherwise it is SS2. | SR_CLS_GT |
CLS_DRVD_SESN_DESC | SR | Description of the summer session: First Summer Session or Second Summer Session | SR_CLS_GT |
CLS_DRVD_MTG_PTRN_CD | SR | This is a derived column. It contains a pattern for the meeting days for this class based on the values in the individual day columns. D in the first character, means the class meets each weekday. Otherwise, the M,T,W,R or F is in the pattern if the class meets on that day. Then S and N are appended if the class also meets on Saturday or Sunday. | SR_CLS_MTG_GT |
CLS_DRVD_SORT_CD | SR | This is a dervied field used to aid in sorting classes by pattern. M=1,T=2,W=3,R=4,F=5,if class meets MTWRF=6,S=7,S=8,no meeting=9. | SR_CLS_MTG_GT |
CLS_MTG_CALC_MIN | SR | Calculate field - contains the number of minutes the class meets | SR_CLS_MTG_GT |
ACAD_DRVD_RPT_CLS_LVL_NM | IR | Class level used in official reporting (Certificates are considered Freshman; Assoc, 1st year are considered Freshman; Assoc, 2nd year are considered Sophomore) | IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT |
ACAD_DRVD_RPT_LVL_NM | IR | Level used in official reporting (Undergrad, Grad, Professional, Undergrad Special, Grad Special | IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT |
STU_DRVD_SAT_COMPOSITE_NBR | SR | Highest derived composite from the HS or testing agency, using either SATI VE + MA or conversion of ACT CO score to SATI format. Valid values are multiples of 10 between 400 and 1600. | PSE_PRSN_ST |
STU_DRVD_SAT_OR_ACT_CNV_IND | SR | Indicates if the column STU_DRVD_SAT_COMPOSITE_NBR is based on SATI VE + MA or ACT CO score. | PSE_PRSN_ST |
STU_SAT_CALC_COMPOSITE_NBR | SATI VE + MA score. Uses the highest scores from the HS or testing agency. Valid values are multiples of 10 between 400 and 1600. | PSE_PRSN_ST | |
STU_ACT_TO_SAT_MAX_NBR | Conversion of ACT CO score to SATI format. Uses the highest score from the HS or testing agency. Valid values are multiples of 10 between 400 and 1600. | PSE_PRSN_ST | |
PRSN_DRV_FA1_ADDR_KEY | FA | Derived FA Address 1 | PSE_PRSN_ST |
PRSN_DRV_FA2_ADDR_KEY | FA | Derived FA Address 2 | PSE_PRSN_ST |
PRSN_DRV_FA1_EMAIL_ADDR | FA | Derived FA Email Address 1 - IU GDS email , otherwise, Peoplesoft OTHER email, otherwise ISIR email | PSE_PRSN_ST |
PRSN_DRV_FA2_EMAIL_ADDR | FA | Derived FA Email Address 2 - ISIR email, otherwise, IU GDS email , otherwise, Peoplesoft OTHER email | PSE_PRSN_ST |
PRSN_DRV_FA3_EMAIL_ADDR | FA | Derived FA Email Address 3 - PS OTHER email, otherwise, IU GDS email, otherwise ISIR email | PSE_PRSN_ST |
PRSN_DRV_STU_CUR_ADDR_KEY | SIS | Derived Current Address - contains Student Housing address if it exists, otherwise, Local Address | PSE_PRSN_ST |
ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_CD | IR | Derived cohort code-for degree-seeking students only. First term the student was enrolled in as a degree-seeker by career. Codes: FyrUGB - Fall Undergrad Beginner, FyrUGT - Fall Undergrad Transfer, FyrGRB - Fall GRAD Beginner, FyrGRT - Fall Grad Transfer, FyrOPB - Fall Optometry Beginner, FyrDTB - Fall Dental Beginner, FyrLWB - Fall Law Beginner, FyrMDB - Medical Beginner; SyrUGB - Spring Undergrad Beginner, SyrUGT - Spring Undergrad Transfer, SyrGRB - Spring GRAD Beginner, SyrGRT - Spring Grad Transfer, SyrOPB - Spring Optometry Beginner, SyrDTB - Spring Dental Beginner, SyrLWB - Spring Law Beginner, SyrMDB - Spring Medical Beginner where yr = year in term. For example, stu_admt_term_cd = 4088, stu_admt_typ_cd = FYU, and career = UGRD, the derived cohort = F08UGB. | IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT |
ACAD_DRVD_MATRIC_CD | IR | Derived matriculant code - for degree-seekers only regardless of career. If the first term the student was enrolled in (stu_admt_term_cd) is the same as the current reporting term then the flag is set to Y otherwise N. | IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT |
PRSN_DRVD_ETHNIC_RPT_CD | IR | Derived ethnic code is populated with the following codes: 1-White, 2-Black/African Amer, 3-Hispanic/Latino, 4-Asian, 5-American Indian/Alaska Native, 6-NR Alien, null-Other American | PSE_PRSN_ST |
PRSN_DRVD_ETHNIC_RPT_DESC | IR | Derived ethnic description - the following codes: White, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, NR Alien, null-Other American | PSE_PRSN_ST |
IR_HS_DPLM_DESC | IR | These are mutually exclusive categories assigned based on this priority: a) CORE 40 with Acad Honors Diploma (Indiana HS diploma) b) CORE 40 Diploma (Indiana HS diploma) c) GED d) Other | IR_ADM_SNPSHT_GT |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_CD | IR | IR Admission Home Address Indiana County Code (Ex. - 03 = Bartholomew). Represents last address prior to the student's first degree-seeking enrollment at any IU campus. For summer and fall applicants to IU, this is the last address prior to the fall term start date. | IR_DEGR_ADMT_TERM_TYP_GT, IR_ADM_SNPSHT_PRLM_GT, IR_ADM_SNPSHT_GT |
PRSN_ADMT_HM_CNTY_NM | IR | IR Admission Home Address County Name (includes values for international addresses) | IR_DEGR_ADMT_TERM_TYP_GT, IR_ADM_SNPSHT_PRLM_GT, IR_ADM_SNPSHT_GT |
IR_ACAD_HON_DPLM_IND | IR | Indicates if a student completed an Indiana Core 40 with Academic Honors HS diploma (Ex. - Y) | IR_SSACICAT_ST and PSE_PRSN_ST |
IR_CORE_DPLM_IND | IR | Indicates if a student completed an Indiana Core 40 HS diploma (Ex. - Y). IR only reports students with a Y in this column and no value (null) in IR_ACAD_HON_DPLM_IND. | IR_SSACICAT_ST and PSE_PRSN_ST |
IR_TCNT_HIST_PTCPN_IND | IR | Indicates if a student was identified with the Indiana 21st Century Scholars program at some point by the high school counselor or the State Student Assistance Commission of Indiana (SSACI). Note that students with this indicator may never have received 21st Century funding at IU. (Ex. - Y) | IR_SSACICAT_ST and PSE_PRSN_ST |
IR_TCNT_AWD_RCPT_IND | IR | Indicates the term and campus where a student received Indiana 21st Century Scholar funding at IU, based on Student Financials disbursement data. (Ex. - Y) | IR_TCNT_AWD_RCPT_ST, SR_STU_TERM |
IR_FRST_GEN_IND | IR | Indicates that the student's parent(s) did not complete schooling above the high school level. (Ex. - Y) | IR_FRST_GEN_ST, PSE_PRSN_ST |
IR_RES_CD | IR | 0 = Unknown 1 = In-State 2 = Out-of-State 4 = Reciprocity (official residency = non-resident and tuition residency = resident; enrolled students must also have a valid tuition residency exception code at the SE or EA campus) | IR_ADM_SNPSHT_PRLM_GT, IR_ADM_SNPSHT_GT |